Nikki Haley Drops Out Of Presidential Race Transferring GOP Back To Trump 2024

Nikki Haley’s departure from the 2024 Republican presidential race comes in the wake of a challenging Super Tuesday, during which she suffered defeat in fourteen states against Donald Trump, managing to clinch victory in just one.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is poised to suspend her presidential campaign following a series of losses on Super Tuesday, according to sources within her campaign who spoke to ABC News.

With Haley’s exit, President Donald Trump emerges as the last major Republican candidate standing, virtually securing the party’s nomination and setting the stage for a potential rematch with President Joe Biden in November.

Although Haley is not expected to immediately endorse Trump, she is scheduled to address the press at 10:00 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Haley, one of the earliest contenders to announce her bid for the 2024 presidency, is now the final candidate to withdraw after over a year of campaigning.

At her campaign launch in Charleston, South Carolina, Haley emphasized the need for fresh leadership, stating, “America won’t win the 21st century if we keep trusting politicians from the 20th century.”

Despite her extensive political background, including two terms as governor of South Carolina and serving as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, Haley initially faced an uphill battle in the race.

Initially avoiding direct confrontation with Trump, Haley later emerged as his primary challenger, surpassing former favorite Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Trump critic former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

While Haley secured victories in New Hampshire and Washington, D.C., ahead of Super Tuesday, she faced defeat in her home state of South Carolina, which she had previously touted as crucial to her campaign’s success.

As her campaign progressed, Haley sharpened her criticisms of Trump, expressing doubts about his commitment to the Constitution and warning of the consequences of his nomination for the Republican Party.

Seeking to differentiate herself from Trump’s vision for the party, Haley argued that his leadership would divert focus from core Republican principles such as fiscal discipline and national security.

Despite her efforts, Haley’s campaign ultimately faltered, leading to her decision to suspend her presidential bid.

“This is now becoming a party that’s pushing people out of our party, as opposed to the Republican Party I believe in where you bring more people in. So this primary has always been about what direction is the Republican party going and what direction is America going,” she said.

Nikki Haley Drops Out With Message For Trump

During the final weeks and months of her campaign, Haley cultivated a relatively diverse coalition of supporters, encompassing Republicans, moderates, and occasionally, Democrats, who, for various reasons, sought to distance themselves from Trump within the GOP.

While Haley initially committed to backing Trump as the Republican nominee even if he were convicted of a felony, her stance shifted as her campaign progressed.

In February, she contended that there was “no way that the American people are going to vote for a convicted criminal” for president, and shortly thereafter, hinted at the possibility of reneging on the RNC pledge she had signed to support the eventual Republican nominee — a requirement for participation in the party’s televised debates.

“I get to do what I want to do,” Haley asserted during an interview with Fox News, emphasizing that Trump never pledged to support her if she were to become the nominee.

“If he refused to sign the pledge, I don’t have to go forward, but I’ll make that decision on my own,” she added.

Despite drawing sizable crowds at her events, speculation arose that she might consider a third-party bid, a notion she consistently rebuffed.

“My purpose has never been to stop Trump at all costs. Like most Americans, I have a handful of serious concerns about the former president. But I have countless serious concerns about the current president,” she conveyed to reporters and supporters in a state-of-the-race address delivered days before South Carolina’s primary.

Although Haley’s campaign failed to gain significant electoral traction, her financial standing did not mirror that of a losing candidate.

She largely sidestepped the financial struggles typical of struggling campaigns, raising $11.5 million in January — her highest fundraising month on record — even after consecutive losses to Trump. In fact, she outpaced Trump’s fundraising efforts that month by $2.7 million, and in February, claimed to have amassed an additional $12 million across her three fundraising committees.

Haley also garnered sought-after endorsements from New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and Americans For Prosperity, the Super PAC supported by the Koch network. She secured substantial contributions from prominent Republican donors, including billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer, Citadel Chief Ken Griffin, and WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum. Additionally, she received $250,000 from Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman.

However, despite this support, Haley ultimately fell short against Trump, and following her decisive loss in South Carolina, Americans For Prosperity withdrew its backing.

Now, it appears that Trump is firmly in the driver’s seat, boasting substantial support from delegates and ardent MAGA loyalists. Trump himself expressed confidence, stating, “We have to let them know that a FREIGHT TRAIN is coming in November.”

Trump Destroys Nikki Haley Yet Again As She Defiantly Stays in Presidential Race And Insists He CANNOT Win

President Donald Trump emerged victorious in the Michigan Republican primary on Tuesday, securing a decisive win over his final rival, Nikki Haley. As polling stations closed, Trump’s dominance became evident, with an early call declaring him the winner by a significant margin. Trump’s commanding lead came as no surprise, as he captured 65 percent of the vote compared to Haley’s 30.9 percent, based on early reporting from 12 percent of precincts

Daily Mail

Despite the setback, Nikki Haley’s campaign remained undeterred, emphasizing that Trump’s sizable margin of victory still indicated vulnerabilities for the Republican Party in the upcoming general election. Throughout the early primary season, Trump has consistently outperformed Haley, claiming victories in key states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and now Michigan.

BREAKING: Trump wins Michigan GOP primary
Frank Quotes Press: Trump Winning 2024

Even in Nevada, where Trump emerged triumphant in both the caucuses and a symbolic vote for ‘none of these candidates,’ Haley continued to face an uphill battle. However, undeterred by the setbacks, Haley reaffirmed her commitment to the race during a recent rally in Charleston, pledging to stay in the race through Super Tuesday on March 5th.

Addressing her supporters, Haley highlighted the growing demand within the Republican electorate for an alternative candidate, expressing determination to provide a voice for those seeking change. “No matter what happens, I will continue to run for president,” Haley asserted, echoing her commitment to the cause.

In a subsequent interview with CNN, Haley reiterated her unwavering resolve, emphasizing the urgency of the challenges facing the nation. “We have a country to save,” she affirmed, underscoring her dedication to the campaign and the issues at stake.

As the rivalry between Trump and Haley intensifies, a significant faction of MAGA voters and representatives are urging Haley to gracefully exit the race and spare herself further embarrassment.. With each passing day, the diminishing prospects of her campaign become increasingly evident, prompting widespread doubts about the wisdom of her ongoing pursuit of the GOP nomination. Confronted with mounting pressure, Haley must carefully weigh the consequences of persisting in her bid against the option of gracefully stepping aside. It is time for Haley to heed these calls and refocus her energies elsewhere.

Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100% STOLEN’ From Trump

Carlson: “It was 100 percent stolen. Are you joking?”

FRIDMAN: “Like, it was rigged to that large of a scale?”

Carlson: “Yeah. They completely changed the way people vote right before the election on the basis of Covid, which had nothing to do —“

FRIDMAN: “So, in that way it was rigged? Meaning, like —“

Carlson: “100 percent. And then —“

FRIDMAN: “— manipulated?”

Carlson: “Then you censor the information people are allowed to get. Anyone who complains about Covid, which was like — by the way, it might have hurt Trump. I mean, it’s like, whatever. I mean, you could play it many different ways. You can’t have censorship in a democracy by definition. Here’s how it works. The people rule. They vote for representatives to carry their agenda to the capital city and get them enacted. That’s how they’re in charge. And every few years they get to reassess the performance of those people in an election. In order to do that, they need — they need access, unfettered access to information. And no one, particularly not people who are already in power, is allowed to tell them what information they can have. They have to have all information that they want. Whether the people in charge want it or don’t want it, or think it’s true or think it’s false, doesn’t matter. And the second you don’t have that, you don’t have a democracy. It’s not a free election, period.”

Nikki Haley Desperately Clings To Hope Democrats REMOVE Trump As GOP Nominee Despite Resounding Victory In Her Home State.

Despite facing a significant setback in her home state of South Carolina, Nikki Haley affirmed on Saturday her determination to stay in the Republican primary race, although challenges suggest a tough road ahead for her campaign.

“I’m a woman of my word. I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” Haley told her supporters Saturday evening.

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley’s hope that Democrats will somehow prevent Trump from becoming the GOP nominee appears to be based on an illusion, particularly as he continues to secure victories despite facing relentless indictments and legal challenges from Democrats. Despite her fervent desire for Trump’s removal, the persistent success of Trump in overcoming Democratic opposition suggests that her aspirations will ultimately prove to be unattainable.

Trump remains a formidable force within the party, and MAGA voters, commanding a loyal following that shows little sign of wavering.

Addressing a crowd of several hundred supporters gathered at her watch party in a Charleston ballroom, Ms. Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, positioned herself as the advocate for the “substantial portion” of Americans seeking an alternative to both President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump.

And that’s what I’ll do now,’ she said. 

‘What I saw today was South Carolina’s frustration with our country’s direction. I’ve seen that same frustration nationwide. I share it. I feel it to my core. I couldn’t be more worried about America. It seems like our country is falling apart,’ the 2024 hopeful expressed. ‘But here’s the thing, America will come apart if we make the wrong choices.’

‘This has never been about me or my political future. We need to beat Joe Biden in November. I don’t believe Donald Trump can beat Joe Biden. Nearly every day Trump drives people away. Including with his comments just yesterday,’ she continued. 

At the Black Conservative Federation’s Honors Gala in Columbia, South Carolina on Friday night, Trump implied that black voters had grown to appreciate him more since he had taken a mugshot and faced indictment 91 times.

The former president remarked that, like many black Americans, he felt he was facing discrimination.

Following her vote earlier on Saturday, Haley condemned Trump’s remarks, describing them as “disgusting.”

In last month’s Granite State primary, Nikki Haley secured 43.2 percent of the vote, while Trump claimed 54.3 percent. However, with approximately 60 percent of the votes tallied in South Carolina, her support had dwindled to 38 percent.

Addressing her supporters, Haley, who often identifies herself as an accountant on the campaign trail, acknowledged the gap, stating, “I know 40 percent is not 50 percent.” She emphasized, “I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.”

Highlighting that South Carolina was only the fourth state to vote, Haley expressed determination, saying, “In the next 10 days, another 21 states and territories will speak. They deserve a real choice, not a Soviet-style election with only one candidate.” She asserted, “We can’t afford four more years of Biden’s failures or Trump’s lack of focus.”

Looking ahead, Haley announced plans to continue campaigning, with a focus on Michigan’s primary on Tuesday and the Super Tuesday states’ primaries on March 5. She reassured her supporters, stating, “I’m grateful that today is not the end of our story.”

Leading up to the primary, prominent figures within South Carolina’s Republican Party, including Senator Tim Scott and Representative Nancy Mace, endorsed Trump.

Despite Haley appointing Scott to the U.S. Senate during her tenure as governor, he threw his support behind Trump ahead of the New Hampshire primary. Mace, who had previously criticized Trump over the events of January 6, also endorsed him, despite his backing of her primary rival in 2022.

In return for Haley’s support during her campaign, Mace referred to Haley as “China’s favorite governor” during a campaign event in early February, suggesting that Haley would advocate for manufacturing spy balloons in South Carolina if given the chance.

The outlook for Nikki Haley appears bleak, as her alignment with Democrat donors and principles appears to overshadow her ties to the Republican Party. Additionally, her platform lacks resonance with the MAGA movement, further complicating her path forward within the GOP.

Donald Trump Crushes Nikki Haley In Her Home State And WINS South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary

Donald Trump crushes Nikki Haley in her home state and WINS South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary

President Donald Trump will continue his dominant stride towards the GOP nomination by defeating rival Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina. Trump has secured victory in all 2024 GOP nominating contests thus far. In his remarks celebrating this win, Trump expressed astonishment at the unprecedented unity within the Republican Party.

Haley’s defeat on Saturday signifies a significant historical event, marking the first instance in over 50 years that a Republican candidate has lost their home state’s presidential primary election. The last occurrence was observed with Richard Nixon, who lost California’s primary to Ronald Reagan, another Californian.

Trump winning at 62% Reporting:

Despite the setback, Haley remains resolute. She declared on Saturday night her commitment to stay in the race, asserting her belief that Trump cannot overcome President Joe Biden in the November election. Haley emphasized her sense of duty to offer voters in states yet to hold primaries a genuine alternative.

Exit polling data reveals that Haley’s appeals to primary voters, including arguments regarding her electability, largely failed to resonate with the conservative, MAGA-aligned electorate. A significant majority of voters had already made their decisions prior to the start of the year, with the vast majority of those early deciders firmly supporting Trump.

Trump told MAGA voters to start focusing on the general election in November.

‘Nine months is a long time,’ he noted of the timeline before the presidential election later this year. ‘I just wish we could do it quicker.’

‘You know, in certain countries, you’re allowed to call your election date,’ he added. ‘If I had the right to do it, I’d do it tomorrow. I’d say we’re having an election tomorrow.’

‘South Carolina – thank you very much. Go home, get some rest. We have a lot of work ahead of us,” Trump urged in his remarks, where he notably omitted any mention of his remaining Republican rival.

During a ‘state of the race’ speech on Tuesday, Haley emphasized that she was determined to continue her bid despite her disastrous performance in the primary thus far and discouraging polling data showing her trailing Trump by significant margins in national and state elections.

The ex-governor of South Carolina affirmed her commitment to remain in the 2024 Republican primary until Super Tuesday on March 5th, when 16 states and a territory will host contests, presenting a staggering opportunity to vie for 874 delegates in a single day.

Nikki Haley Requests Secret Service Protection

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and a United Nations ambassador under former President Donald J. Trump, has requested for Secret Service protection due to a rise in threats against her. This decision comes after she became the sole remaining rival to Trump in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Haley’s campaign spokeswoman confirmed on Monday that the former ambassador has been targeted by at least two hoax calls, which prompted authorities to respond to her home. In light of these incidents and the escalating number of threats, Haley has taken the necessary steps to ensure her safety.

Following losses in Iowa and New Hampshire, Haley and Trump have engaged in intense clashes on the campaign trail. The upcoming primary in Haley’s home state of South Carolina, scheduled for February 24th, is expected to be highly contentious.

“They need to figure this out. They need to adjust it, amend it in any way that they can. And they should not leave D.C. until they get us a border bill. And no, we are not waiting until the general election to do this. And it’s irresponsible to say that Congress has to wait until a general election, because Trump is worried that he’s going to lose. There’s a lot of reasons we got to worry Trump’s going to lose, but you don’t sacrifice national security to do it.”

Nikki Haley