Carlson: “It was 100 percent stolen. Are you joking?”

FRIDMAN: “Like, it was rigged to that large of a scale?”

Carlson: “Yeah. They completely changed the way people vote right before the election on the basis of Covid, which had nothing to do —“

FRIDMAN: “So, in that way it was rigged? Meaning, like —“

Carlson: “100 percent. And then —“

FRIDMAN: “— manipulated?”

Carlson: “Then you censor the information people are allowed to get. Anyone who complains about Covid, which was like — by the way, it might have hurt Trump. I mean, it’s like, whatever. I mean, you could play it many different ways. You can’t have censorship in a democracy by definition. Here’s how it works. The people rule. They vote for representatives to carry their agenda to the capital city and get them enacted. That’s how they’re in charge. And every few years they get to reassess the performance of those people in an election. In order to do that, they need — they need access, unfettered access to information. And no one, particularly not people who are already in power, is allowed to tell them what information they can have. They have to have all information that they want. Whether the people in charge want it or don’t want it, or think it’s true or think it’s false, doesn’t matter. And the second you don’t have that, you don’t have a democracy. It’s not a free election, period.”

Frank Quotes Press