ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith Calls Out Democrats, Again Over Trump Hush Money Trial: ‘I’m Utterly DISGUSTED With What I’m Seeing. They’ve Clearly POLITICIZED This’

In recent remarks, Stephen A. Smith didn’t hold back his criticism of the ongoing hush money trial involving former President Trump, expressing his desire to witness Trump’s defeat through lawful means. This trial marks a historic moment as Trump becomes the first former U.S. president to stand trial in a criminal case, with proceedings commencing in Manhattan this week.

At the heart of the case lies allegations that Trump unlawfully manipulated business records while reimbursing his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, for payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels to conceal an alleged affair prior to the 2016 presidential election. Smith contended that the Democrats’ insistence on commencing Trump’s trial before the election, despite his efforts to postpone it, underscores their fears regarding Biden’s ability to beat Trump in the polls.

“That appears to be their strategy, but I’m going to tell you, it’s not working. It’s not working at all,” Smith told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Thursday. “And to be quite honest, I don’t mind the fact that it’s not working because I might not be a supporter of Donald Trump, but I want him to lose the right way.”

“Primarily I have voted Democrat throughout my life, but I’m utterly disgusted with what I’m seeing…They’ve clearly politicized this thing with Donald Trump because they can’t come up with a strategy to offset the momentum he’s clearly gained.”

Stephen A. Smith

“I want him to lose because you have better ideas and you make your case to the American people better than he does. That’s why I want him to lose,” he continued, citing President Biden. “I don’t want him to lose the way they’re trying to make him lose.”

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Newly Naturalized US Citizen Dismissed From Trump Jury Shares Initial Impression Of Trump’s Skin Color:

‘You know he looked less orange, definitely like more yellowish, like yellow.’ 🤡🌏

In a recent interview on April 16th, Trump legal spokesperson Alina Habba joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss the latest developments in the former president’s hush money trial in New York City.

Trump attorney warns there is ‘no chance’ he gets a fair trial

Interviewer: Do you think Donald J. Trump will be able to get a fair trial?

Alina Habba: No chance. There is no chance of a fair trial here. Remember, just because it’s a jury doesn’t mean that the judge can’t sway them to go one way or another or make things difficult so that jury selection is impossible. That’s what happened yesterday. They spent the first few hours doing things that probably should have been done before a jury was waiting. That discourages jurors to want to sit on a panel. And then they come in and they are told that they can’t get off from Passover if they observe it. That you will have no break other than Wednesday in the middle of the week. That messes up everybody’s schedules. And people don’t want to sit for that. That’s why we saw half of the jurors say they could not be impartial and want to walk.

Interviewer: What’s your reaction, Alina, to the judge saying we understand that former President Trump wants to go to the Supreme Court for his other case. It’s not going to happen. Might not be able to take off one day to see his son graduate high school. Is this standard for judges to turn requests like that down or do they make those sorts of accommodations, usually?

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Alina Habba: No. Accommodations are always made by judges. That’s why you go over the schedule. If there wasn’t such a rigid schedule you wouldn’t be doing that in practice. Did you go over it. You look at holidays and things of that nature. Remember, something about this, Carley. This case has been investigated for 8 years. It wasn’t brought by Cy Vance and now D.A. Bragg is bringing this case after the President had announced that he was running for office again. There’s no coincidences here. So now he wants to rush it because November 2024 is an election and is he probably hoping he has got this in the bag. Even though it’s on completely discredited witnesses, that we know have perjured themselves. It’s ridiculous. So, yeah, that’s an accommodation that would normally be made. It’s not just a discourtesy to the President. It’s to all the people in there, the jurors. The attorneys that observe holidays, never mind Barron’s high school graduation. There is absolutely no rush after 8 years other than the fact that November 2024 is election day.

Interviewer: And to your point on the quote, unquote rush job that Merchan is doing he said well, I may grant the President allowance to go see his son graduate if we are moving along. That’s a warning shot. Don’t slow this thing up, Donald Trump’s attorney and ie don’t slow it up doing your job, attorneys, which is to advocate for the best interest of your client. Before we let you know, we know the media is going to have a lot of influence in this case if they haven’t done so already. Washington releasing too much personal information on a potential juror with lives, works, multiple details about his family. Should that reporter get reprimanded by this court for literally jeopardizing the anonymous juror rule so important to the juries prudence in our country?

Alina Habba: Yeah. I think it is important. I think being a part of a jury I think being a part of a jury is a critical part of our service to our country. Being able to do so impartiality is incredibly critical, and right now what we’ve seen between the judge and these journalists is that your jepordizing the safety of individuals and you really shouldn’t do that. Generally speaking it will discourage people from sitting on the panel and they will say they can’t sit even if they could serve. Yeah, so it’s a problem. They should not be able to do it.

Interviewer: This style expected to last until, what, June? The former President is required to be there every day that this trial is in session.

Stephen A. Smith Blasts Democrats As ‘Cowards’ In Lawfare Battles Against Trump: ‘Millions Of People Can See The Extent To Which The Other Side Is Willing To Go Just To Keep Him Out Of Office..’

ESPN’s renowned sports media personality, Stephen A. Smith, didn’t mince words when addressing Democrats’ fervor for prosecuting Donald Trump. In his scathing remarks, Smith asserted that Democrats were merely echoing Trump’s claim that the trials were nothing more than political theatrics.

Smith’s critique comes at a pivotal moment as Trump’s hush money trial commences jury selection, coinciding with his active 2024 presidential campaign. With Trump facing a staggering 88 felony charges spread across four indictments, Smith contends that Democrats should concentrate their efforts on defeating Trump on the campaign trail rather than in court.

Addressing his liberal counterparts, Smith articulated, “To my liberal friends out there, all you’re doing is showing that you’re scared you can’t beat him on the issues and the merits,” Smith said. “That’s why he keeps saying it’s a political campaign against me. That’s why he keeps saying they can’t beat me at the election, at the polls — this is the only way they can do it.” He emphasized Trump’s repeated claim that the legal battles are a strategic move to derail his political ambitions. Smith emphasized that voters are becoming more aware of the extent to which Democrats are willing to go to prevent Trump from returning to the White House, expressing concern over the resulting lack of national unity

“And they’re going to say, ‘Hey, you trumped us up against him again,’ and we’ll have no peace when all you gotta do is figure out a way to beat him on the issues,” Smith said. “But you haven’t been able to do it.”

Smith’s critique echoes a sentiment shared by millions: the need to redirect focus from legal maneuvering to substantive policy debates, where the true battle for the nation’s future lies.

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Marjorie Taylor Green: ‘KILL FISA!’

“Mike Johnson set up a private classified briefing room and inside members are being told that people are going to die if we don’t pass FISA!

Now, some Republicans are saying reauthorizing FISA for 2 years rather than 5 will solve our problems.

Stop kicking the can down the road!”


Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘No ONE Is Ready For What’s Coming In Just Days, Biden’s Border DISASTER Exposed’

Biden is warning of a major terror attack on U.S. soil at the same time President Biden suddenly plans to reverse course on the U.S. border. This is a disaster in the making. Senator Rand Paul joins Redacted to talk about the great Covid cover-up.

VIDEO: Redacted News Live

Tucker Carlson: ‘How Does The Government Of Israel Treat Christians? In The West, Christian Leaders Don’t Seem Interested In Knowing The Answer. They Should Be.’

Here’s The View Of A Pastor From Bethlehem.

Top Colombian Gang Lord Of “The Satans” ARRESTED Seeking Asylum In Texas!

Colombian Gang Leader Arrested In Texas Where He Was Seeking Asylum. He is One Of The 7 Most Wanted Murderers In Colombia’s Capital

Meet Aderbiss Pirela, the second-in-command of Colombian gang called “The Satans” and one of the seven most wanted murderers in Bogotá. He was just arrested outside of San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday SEEKING ASYLUM in the US.

Los Satanás assassins shot dead a butcher shop owner and an employee and are linked to wide-ranging drug trafficking, murder, and extortion operations in the country.

Fleeing arrest warrants, Pirela illegally crossed into Panamá via the Darien Gap and trekked through Central America.

Aderbiss Pirela of the Colombian gang called “The Satans” Arrested in Texas seeking asylum

Gualdrón crossed the US-Mexico border on January 2 and requested political asylum on January 7.

As early as January 27 authorities learned he and his associates were operating Los Satanás gang activities from a shelter in Texas.

So why was he allowed to cross at all when there were warrants for his arrest in Colombia? Why was he allowed to shelter in Texas for so long?

Joe Biden’s open border is an international magnet for the worst kind of traffickers, murderers, and animals imaginable

Trump On Joe Biden Declaring Easter “Trans Visibility Day”

“November 5th is going to be called something else. You know what it’s going to be called? Christian Visibility Day when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before.”

BREAKING: Easter is cancelled…also, Happy Easter ❤️😂 Tom Macdonald

Patrick Bet-David SCHOOLS Bill Maher On The Difference Between Trump And Biden’s Presidency

“Two Things Libtards Cannot Handle… Facts And Truth.”

What’s So Awful?”- Bill Maher Argues why Biden Has Done a Good Job then Patrick Bet-David schools him on facts.

“Afganistan is a BullSh*t Argument” – Bill Maher Argues why Biden Has Done a Good Job

Trial Begins for Arizona Rancher, 75, Accused of Fatally Shooting Migrant On His Property

The trial of an Arizona rancher for the fatal shooting of a migrant on his property near the Mexican border commenced on Friday. George Alan Kelly, 75, faces charges of second-degree murder in connection with the killing of a man he encountered on his property outside Nogales, Arizona. The trial, taking place in Santa Cruz County Superior Court, is anticipated to extend for up to a month. Kelly’s defense maintains his innocence amidst a backdrop of heightened national debate over border security, particularly in light of the upcoming presidential election..

WATCH LIVE: Killing On The Ranch Trial — AZ v. George Kelly — Day 1

Kelly stands accused of second-degree murder in the killing of a man he encountered on his property outside Nogales, Arizona. The trial is anticipated to last up to a month, with proceedings scheduled four days a week until around April 19. Kelly’s defense attorney, Brenna Larkin, asserts his innocence, emphasizing concerns about biased investigation procedures and incomplete evidence.

The tragic event unfolded on January 30, 2023, when Kelly, spotting a group of unarmed migrants traversing his cattle ranch, allegedly fired his weapon, resulting in the death of 48-year-old Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea from neighboring Nogales, Mexico. Larkin argues that Kelly, fearing for his safety and that of his property, discharged his firearm into the air, aiming to deter potential threats posed by the migrants. According to Larkin, Kelly’s ranch had experienced escalating encounters with individuals crossing the property, including drug and human smugglers, prompting him to arm himself as a precautionary measure.

Contrary to the defense’s claims, prosecutors contend that Kelly ‘recklessly’ fired his AK-47 rifle toward the migrants, situated approximately 100 yards away, with a handgun also in his possession. Santa Cruz County Chief Deputy Attorney Kim Hunley urged jurors to view Cuen-Buitimea as a human being rather than as described by Kelly, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Moreover, Kelly faces additional charges of aggravated assault against another individual within the migrant group, further complicating the legal proceedings. The prosecution maintains that the group, including Daniel Ramirez, a Honduran seeking work in the U.S., had scattered in response to Border Patrol activity and was en route back to Mexico when the fatal shooting occurred. Ramirez is slated to testify during the trial.

The case has garnered attention from the Mexican consulate in Nogales, Arizona, which has been in contact with the victim’s family, underscoring its significance amid heightened concerns about border security. This incident adds to a string of similar tragedies, including a 2022 shooting in West Texas involving twin brothers Michael and Mark Sheppard, highlighting the complex and contentious nature of border enforcement policies.

As the trial unfolds, it intersects with broader political discourse surrounding border security, a central theme in the upcoming presidential election. The debate intensifies against the backdrop of recent visits by both Donald Trump and Joe Biden to the Texas-Mexico border, underscoring the significance of this issue on the national stage.

Statistics on Illegal Immigration under the Biden Administration

Under President Biden’s administration, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States has surged dramatically contributing to ongoing concerns regarding border security. In 2020, the country counted approximately 10.2 million immigrants, and since Biden assumed office, an additional 10 million have entered unlawfully. If we were to aggregate these 20 million illegal immigrants into a single state, their population would equate to that of New York, placing it among the top states in terms of population.

In his latest post on Saturday, President Donald Trump heightened his critique of Joe Biden’s border policies. Taking to Truth Social, Trump lambasted Biden’s administration, declaring, “Four years ago we had the strongest and safest Border in U.S. history. Now we have the worst Border anywhere in the World, EVER!!! OUR BORDERS HAVE COMPLETELY COLLAPSED, AND MANY CRIMINALS ARE POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY. MAGA2024!”

Trump’s scathing remarks underscored the contentious nature of immigration, which has emerged as a pivotal issue ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Recent statistics paint a stark picture of the challenges at the border, with migrant encounters skyrocketing in the current fiscal year. In October, there were 309,114 encounters, followed by 308,669 in November and a staggering 371,036 in December.

Of particular concern is the influx of migrants arriving through Mexico, with approximately 300,000 individuals, averaging nearly 10,000 per day, entering the United States in December alone. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data revealed that roughly 250,000 of these arrivals occurred between ports of entry.

The surge in migrant encounters has strained federal resources, with border agents grappling with a record-breaking influx of approximately 2.5 million migrants throughout the previous year, surpassing the already staggering figures from the year before.

Despite the escalating crisis, bipartisan efforts to address border security have faltered in Congress. A proposed bill aimed at bolstering enforcement measures and granting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) authority to temporarily shut down the border during surges of crossing attempts failed to gain GOP support earlier this year.

As the presumptive GOP nominee in the 2024 presidential race, Trump has repeatedly pledged to prioritize border security if reelected in November. His vocal criticism of Biden’s handling of immigration underscores the deep ideological divide surrounding this pressing issue.

Film Director Michael Moore Blatant Warning To Democrats: ‘Trump Is ‘Smarter Than Us … We Don’t Want To Say This Out Loud, But I’m Going To Say It’

Michael Moore has issued a blatant warning about the 2024 election, saying that Donald Trump is “smarter than” Democrats. During the latest episode of his Rumble podcast on Sunday, the director called a victory for Trump in 2024’s general election a “legitimate fear.” Michael Moore dialed up the urgency of a possible Joe Biden defeat ― and he did it by offering backhanded praise to Biden’s criminally indicted GOP adversary, Donald Trump.

“We don’t want to say this out loud, but I’m going to say it, and the reason why we need to be concerned is that Trump is smarter than us,” the Oscar-winning documentarian said on the latest episode of his “Rumble” podcast, which was released Sunday. “I’ll just let that sink in for a second. I know, I know, you’re calling the people to come to find me — the guys in the white uniforms with the big net — and take me away. Are you crazy? What do you mean he’s smarter than us?”

Michael Moore Rumble Podcast

Moore characterized the Trump as someone who has “been able to pull s*** off and get away with it” throughout his life, remarking, “It is an impressive track record.”

“I’m talking about the way throughout his entire life he’s been able to pull shit off and get away with it,” the “Bowling for Columbine” director said. “It is an amazing record. You know the record. I’m not going to run through the whole litany of it … You know the whole list, and he’s gotten away with it. You must marvel at how somebody that stupid is that smart when it comes to the performance of his evil and his ability to never have to pay for it.”

Moore, who famously predicted Trump’s victory in 2016, has also forecasted that Trump will be able to resolve his legal problems before the big day in November.

The filmmaker accused Trump of attempting to postpone his impending trials until after the November election. Trump faces a total of 91 criminal charges across four jurisdictions, with some related to the 2020 election.

Should Trump secure another term as president, a Supreme Court dominated by Republicans will most likely pardon his convictions.

“The only thing that can save us is ourselves,” he said. “We are going to have to mobilize.”

VIDEO: Rapper Kodak Black Endorses Trump And 20-Year Presidency: ‘We Need Trump In Office Forever, Man. Just Like The Chinese and Russian’

Kodak Black Expresses Gratitude for Trump’s Pardon and Endorses 20-Year Presidency: “Trump the best thing for America”

Black, celebrated for his musical triumphs and philanthropic endeavors, remains deeply grateful to former President Donald Trump for extending him a pardon. In a recent statement, the 26-year-old artist, known as Bill K Kapri, openly expressed his appreciation for Donald Trump

“We need Donald Trump for like 20 years. Like how Russia does it. Four years isn’t enough time for a president,” Kodak Black emphasized, underlining his aspiration for an elongated presidential term, drawing parallels to governance structures in other nations.

Amidst Kodak Black’s legal tribulations, including a nearly four-year sentence for providing false information to purchase a firearm in 2019, his musical career soared. With three No. 1 hits, 24 top 10 hits, and a total of 44 songs to his name, Kodak Black solidified his status as a chart-topping artist.

Trump’s pardon offered a ray of hope during Kodak Black’s challenging times. Despite his incarceration, the rapper remained actively engaged in philanthropy, supporting various charitable causes, including educational initiatives and providing aid for COVID-19-affected businesses.

The White House commended Kodak Black’s altruistic endeavors, recognizing him as not only a prominent artist but also a leader within his community. White House officials highlighted his dedication to providing educational resources, aiding underprivileged communities, and making substantial financial contributions to charitable ventures.

“He has committed to supporting a variety of charitable efforts, such as providing educational resources to students and families of fallen law enforcement officers and the underprivileged,” stated White House officials, acknowledging Kodak Black’s impactful contributions.

In his unwavering endorsement of Trump’s presidency, Kodak Black reiterated his admiration for Trump’s leadership style and policies. “We need Trump in office forever, man. Just like how them Chinese and Russian and Korean motherf—ers have their president. Trump the best thing for America,” Kodak Black affirmed, reaffirming his steadfast support for Trump.

Following his release from prison, Kodak Black commemorated the event with a new song titled “Last Day In,” where he celebrated his freedom and acknowledged Trump’s influence. “Trump just freed me, but my favorite president is on the money,” Kodak Black rapped, signifying his enduring respect for Trump.

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They Tried So Hard To Make Him Look CORRUPT

“They tried so hard to make him look corrupt, but all they have done was show the world just how corrupt and dirty they are”


In the labyrinthine world of politics, where power optics often overshadow principles, accusations serve as currency. Allegations of corruption, dishonesty, and moral depravity are wielded with precision, aimed at tarnishing adversaries and bolstering one’s own standing. However, amidst this cacophony of mudslinging, there exists a profound irony – the accusers often end up revealing more about themselves than their intended targets. At the heart of this paradox lies a simple yet profound quote:

The essence of political warfare, where the lines between truth and deception blur and the pursuit of power often TRUMPS ethical considerations. Let us dissect this quote and unravel the layers of meaning it holds within the context of contemporary politics.

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The relentless determination, a concerted effort to tarnish the reputation of an individual or group. Behind the façade of political rhetoric lies a calculated campaign fueled by ambition, ideology, or personal vendettas. The intensity of the endeavor underscores the stakes involved – the quest for dominance in the political arena.

The accusation of corruption is a potent weapon in the arsenal of political warfare. It carries connotations of moral turpitude, abuse of power, and betrayal of public trust. Accusers seek to tarnish the integrity of their target, casting doubt on their suitability for office or influence. Yet, in leveling such accusations, they unwittingly expose their own moral ambiguity.

“But all they have done was show the world just how corrupt and dirty they are.” – here lies the crux of the paradox. The very act of accusing others of corruption illuminates the accusers’ own moral vulnerability. By projecting their shortcomings onto their adversaries, they lay bare their hypocrisy for all to see. The repetition of “corrupt” underscores the depth of the accusation, while the inclusion of “dirty” adds a layer of moral reprehensibility.

In the arena of politics, where perception is often reality, accusations can shape public opinion and influence electoral outcomes. However, the irony lies in the unintended consequences of such attacks. Instead of diminishing their targets, accusers inadvertently shine a spotlight on their own shortcomings. The more vehemently they accuse, the more their own moral bankruptcy is exposed.

In the pursuit of power, it is easy to succumb to the temptation of smear campaigns and character assassination. Yet, as history has shown time and again, such tactics ultimately erode trust in the political process and undermine the very foundations of our freedom.

Nikki Haley Drops Out Of Presidential Race Transferring GOP Back To Trump 2024

Nikki Haley’s departure from the 2024 Republican presidential race comes in the wake of a challenging Super Tuesday, during which she suffered defeat in fourteen states against Donald Trump, managing to clinch victory in just one.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is poised to suspend her presidential campaign following a series of losses on Super Tuesday, according to sources within her campaign who spoke to ABC News.

With Haley’s exit, President Donald Trump emerges as the last major Republican candidate standing, virtually securing the party’s nomination and setting the stage for a potential rematch with President Joe Biden in November.

Although Haley is not expected to immediately endorse Trump, she is scheduled to address the press at 10:00 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Haley, one of the earliest contenders to announce her bid for the 2024 presidency, is now the final candidate to withdraw after over a year of campaigning.

At her campaign launch in Charleston, South Carolina, Haley emphasized the need for fresh leadership, stating, “America won’t win the 21st century if we keep trusting politicians from the 20th century.”

Despite her extensive political background, including two terms as governor of South Carolina and serving as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, Haley initially faced an uphill battle in the race.

Initially avoiding direct confrontation with Trump, Haley later emerged as his primary challenger, surpassing former favorite Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Trump critic former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

While Haley secured victories in New Hampshire and Washington, D.C., ahead of Super Tuesday, she faced defeat in her home state of South Carolina, which she had previously touted as crucial to her campaign’s success.

As her campaign progressed, Haley sharpened her criticisms of Trump, expressing doubts about his commitment to the Constitution and warning of the consequences of his nomination for the Republican Party.

Seeking to differentiate herself from Trump’s vision for the party, Haley argued that his leadership would divert focus from core Republican principles such as fiscal discipline and national security.

Despite her efforts, Haley’s campaign ultimately faltered, leading to her decision to suspend her presidential bid.

“This is now becoming a party that’s pushing people out of our party, as opposed to the Republican Party I believe in where you bring more people in. So this primary has always been about what direction is the Republican party going and what direction is America going,” she said.

Nikki Haley Drops Out With Message For Trump

During the final weeks and months of her campaign, Haley cultivated a relatively diverse coalition of supporters, encompassing Republicans, moderates, and occasionally, Democrats, who, for various reasons, sought to distance themselves from Trump within the GOP.

While Haley initially committed to backing Trump as the Republican nominee even if he were convicted of a felony, her stance shifted as her campaign progressed.

In February, she contended that there was “no way that the American people are going to vote for a convicted criminal” for president, and shortly thereafter, hinted at the possibility of reneging on the RNC pledge she had signed to support the eventual Republican nominee — a requirement for participation in the party’s televised debates.

“I get to do what I want to do,” Haley asserted during an interview with Fox News, emphasizing that Trump never pledged to support her if she were to become the nominee.

“If he refused to sign the pledge, I don’t have to go forward, but I’ll make that decision on my own,” she added.

Despite drawing sizable crowds at her events, speculation arose that she might consider a third-party bid, a notion she consistently rebuffed.

“My purpose has never been to stop Trump at all costs. Like most Americans, I have a handful of serious concerns about the former president. But I have countless serious concerns about the current president,” she conveyed to reporters and supporters in a state-of-the-race address delivered days before South Carolina’s primary.

Although Haley’s campaign failed to gain significant electoral traction, her financial standing did not mirror that of a losing candidate.

She largely sidestepped the financial struggles typical of struggling campaigns, raising $11.5 million in January — her highest fundraising month on record — even after consecutive losses to Trump. In fact, she outpaced Trump’s fundraising efforts that month by $2.7 million, and in February, claimed to have amassed an additional $12 million across her three fundraising committees.

Haley also garnered sought-after endorsements from New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and Americans For Prosperity, the Super PAC supported by the Koch network. She secured substantial contributions from prominent Republican donors, including billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer, Citadel Chief Ken Griffin, and WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum. Additionally, she received $250,000 from Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman.

However, despite this support, Haley ultimately fell short against Trump, and following her decisive loss in South Carolina, Americans For Prosperity withdrew its backing.

Now, it appears that Trump is firmly in the driver’s seat, boasting substantial support from delegates and ardent MAGA loyalists. Trump himself expressed confidence, stating, “We have to let them know that a FREIGHT TRAIN is coming in November.”

President Trump Delivers A Frank Message To Joe Biden: ‘Stop Weaponization’

‘Stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself! Don’t use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent, to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that.’

President Trump

Trump stressed the power of voters to influence elections swiftly, stating, “The voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. But a court shouldn’t be doing that. And the Supreme Court saw that very well.” He added, “And I really do believe that will be a unifying factor because while most states were thrilled to have me know, there were some that didn’t and they didn’t want that for political reasons.”

Highlighting his strong poll numbers, Trump asserted, “I am beating President Biden in almost every poll.”

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments on presidential immunity last week after Trump and his legal team appealed to the high court. These arguments are scheduled to commence on April 22, with a decision expected in mid to late June. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s election interference case remains on hold pending this ruling.

Trump expressed his views on presidential immunity, stressing its importance for effective governance. He stated, “If a president doesn’t have full immunity, you really don’t have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make, in many cases what would be the right decision, or it could be the wrong decision.” He emphasized that a president should not be prosecuted for decisions made in the interest of the country.

Addressing Biden directly, Trump urged him to cease the use of legal mechanisms to target political opponents. He said, “I will say that President Biden, number one, stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself. Don’t use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that.”

Trump expressed his frustration with the ongoing legal battles, describing them as a “rigged deal.” However, he reiterated his desire to win based on policies, stating, “I don’t want to win this way.” He continued, “Look, I want to win based on my policies. We’re going to cut taxes. We’re going to get interest rates down. You’re going to be able to buy homes again. I mean, you can’t buy a home today. The interest rates are so high. I want to win those supporters.”

Reflecting on the impact of high energy prices on global dynamics, Trump remarked on Putin’s wealth accumulation and its potential influence on conflicts like the war in Ukraine. He added, “Putin became very rich because at $100 a barrel, he’s got so much money to fight a war at $40 a barrel.” He emphasized his desire to prevent wars and stabilize global affairs if he were in office, stating, “I want to stop wars. I want to stop the war in Ukraine with Russia. I want to stop what’s happening in Israel would have never been attacked if I were president. Ukraine would have never, ever been attacked. If I was president, you wouldn’t have had inflation. Inflation was caused by high energy prices. I had low energy prices. I would have kept them there very easily. And it probably maybe caused the war with Ukraine because Putin became rich. All of a sudden it went up so much.”

He concluded by highlighting the importance of economic policies and foreign relations in shaping the trajectory of nations.

David Sacks: ‘The War In Ukraine Is Based On Lies’


The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.

We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.

We are told that the world is with us when in fact the Global Majority believes U.S. policy is the height of folly. We are told that there is no opportunity to make peace when in fact we have rejected multiple opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine keeps fighting, it will improve its negotiating position when in fact the terms will only get much worse than what was already available and rejected.

Nevertheless the lies will succeed in dragging out the war. Congress will appropriate more funds. Russia will take more territory. Ukraine will mobilize more young men and women to feed into the meat grinder. Discontent will mount. Eventually there will be a crisis in Kiev and the Zelensky government will be toppled.

And then, when the war is finally lost, when the whole country lays in smoldering ruins on a funeral pyre of their own making, the liars will say “well we tried.” Having prevented any alternative, having smeared anyone who told the truth as puppets for the enemy, the liars will say “We did our best. We stood up to Putin.”

In fact, they will claim, we would have succeeded but for the fifth column of Putin apologists who stabbed the Ukrainians in the back. Then, having shifted blame and patted themselves on the back, they will blithely move on to the next war, as they moved onto Ukraine after their disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The lies are comprehensive — but they will work.

David Sacks

‘No Amount Of Media Deception Or Liberal Race Baiting Will Sway The Minds Of Black Voters’

Black Americans are waking up to the reality that the Democratic Party has taken advantage of them, and the media and the party are terrified. Our community supports the policies of President Donald J. Trump and knows full well that life was better four years ago under his administration. No amount of media deception or liberal race baiting will sway the minds of Black voters will cast their ballots this November for safer streets, a better financial well-being, a secure border, and a complete rejection of Joe Biden’s disastrous tenure!

Diante Johnson, President of the Black Conservative Federation

Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100% STOLEN’ From Trump

Carlson: “It was 100 percent stolen. Are you joking?”

FRIDMAN: “Like, it was rigged to that large of a scale?”

Carlson: “Yeah. They completely changed the way people vote right before the election on the basis of Covid, which had nothing to do —“

FRIDMAN: “So, in that way it was rigged? Meaning, like —“

Carlson: “100 percent. And then —“

FRIDMAN: “— manipulated?”

Carlson: “Then you censor the information people are allowed to get. Anyone who complains about Covid, which was like — by the way, it might have hurt Trump. I mean, it’s like, whatever. I mean, you could play it many different ways. You can’t have censorship in a democracy by definition. Here’s how it works. The people rule. They vote for representatives to carry their agenda to the capital city and get them enacted. That’s how they’re in charge. And every few years they get to reassess the performance of those people in an election. In order to do that, they need — they need access, unfettered access to information. And no one, particularly not people who are already in power, is allowed to tell them what information they can have. They have to have all information that they want. Whether the people in charge want it or don’t want it, or think it’s true or think it’s false, doesn’t matter. And the second you don’t have that, you don’t have a democracy. It’s not a free election, period.”

Nikki Haley Desperately Clings To Hope Democrats REMOVE Trump As GOP Nominee Despite Resounding Victory In Her Home State.

Despite facing a significant setback in her home state of South Carolina, Nikki Haley affirmed on Saturday her determination to stay in the Republican primary race, although challenges suggest a tough road ahead for her campaign.

“I’m a woman of my word. I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” Haley told her supporters Saturday evening.

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley’s hope that Democrats will somehow prevent Trump from becoming the GOP nominee appears to be based on an illusion, particularly as he continues to secure victories despite facing relentless indictments and legal challenges from Democrats. Despite her fervent desire for Trump’s removal, the persistent success of Trump in overcoming Democratic opposition suggests that her aspirations will ultimately prove to be unattainable.

Trump remains a formidable force within the party, and MAGA voters, commanding a loyal following that shows little sign of wavering.

Addressing a crowd of several hundred supporters gathered at her watch party in a Charleston ballroom, Ms. Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, positioned herself as the advocate for the “substantial portion” of Americans seeking an alternative to both President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump.

And that’s what I’ll do now,’ she said. 

‘What I saw today was South Carolina’s frustration with our country’s direction. I’ve seen that same frustration nationwide. I share it. I feel it to my core. I couldn’t be more worried about America. It seems like our country is falling apart,’ the 2024 hopeful expressed. ‘But here’s the thing, America will come apart if we make the wrong choices.’

‘This has never been about me or my political future. We need to beat Joe Biden in November. I don’t believe Donald Trump can beat Joe Biden. Nearly every day Trump drives people away. Including with his comments just yesterday,’ she continued. 

At the Black Conservative Federation’s Honors Gala in Columbia, South Carolina on Friday night, Trump implied that black voters had grown to appreciate him more since he had taken a mugshot and faced indictment 91 times.

The former president remarked that, like many black Americans, he felt he was facing discrimination.

Following her vote earlier on Saturday, Haley condemned Trump’s remarks, describing them as “disgusting.”

In last month’s Granite State primary, Nikki Haley secured 43.2 percent of the vote, while Trump claimed 54.3 percent. However, with approximately 60 percent of the votes tallied in South Carolina, her support had dwindled to 38 percent.

Addressing her supporters, Haley, who often identifies herself as an accountant on the campaign trail, acknowledged the gap, stating, “I know 40 percent is not 50 percent.” She emphasized, “I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.”

Highlighting that South Carolina was only the fourth state to vote, Haley expressed determination, saying, “In the next 10 days, another 21 states and territories will speak. They deserve a real choice, not a Soviet-style election with only one candidate.” She asserted, “We can’t afford four more years of Biden’s failures or Trump’s lack of focus.”

Looking ahead, Haley announced plans to continue campaigning, with a focus on Michigan’s primary on Tuesday and the Super Tuesday states’ primaries on March 5. She reassured her supporters, stating, “I’m grateful that today is not the end of our story.”

Leading up to the primary, prominent figures within South Carolina’s Republican Party, including Senator Tim Scott and Representative Nancy Mace, endorsed Trump.

Despite Haley appointing Scott to the U.S. Senate during her tenure as governor, he threw his support behind Trump ahead of the New Hampshire primary. Mace, who had previously criticized Trump over the events of January 6, also endorsed him, despite his backing of her primary rival in 2022.

In return for Haley’s support during her campaign, Mace referred to Haley as “China’s favorite governor” during a campaign event in early February, suggesting that Haley would advocate for manufacturing spy balloons in South Carolina if given the chance.

The outlook for Nikki Haley appears bleak, as her alignment with Democrat donors and principles appears to overshadow her ties to the Republican Party. Additionally, her platform lacks resonance with the MAGA movement, further complicating her path forward within the GOP.

Donald Trump Crushes Nikki Haley In Her Home State And WINS South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary

Donald Trump crushes Nikki Haley in her home state and WINS South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary

President Donald Trump will continue his dominant stride towards the GOP nomination by defeating rival Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina. Trump has secured victory in all 2024 GOP nominating contests thus far. In his remarks celebrating this win, Trump expressed astonishment at the unprecedented unity within the Republican Party.

Haley’s defeat on Saturday signifies a significant historical event, marking the first instance in over 50 years that a Republican candidate has lost their home state’s presidential primary election. The last occurrence was observed with Richard Nixon, who lost California’s primary to Ronald Reagan, another Californian.

Trump winning at 62% Reporting:

Despite the setback, Haley remains resolute. She declared on Saturday night her commitment to stay in the race, asserting her belief that Trump cannot overcome President Joe Biden in the November election. Haley emphasized her sense of duty to offer voters in states yet to hold primaries a genuine alternative.

Exit polling data reveals that Haley’s appeals to primary voters, including arguments regarding her electability, largely failed to resonate with the conservative, MAGA-aligned electorate. A significant majority of voters had already made their decisions prior to the start of the year, with the vast majority of those early deciders firmly supporting Trump.

Trump told MAGA voters to start focusing on the general election in November.

‘Nine months is a long time,’ he noted of the timeline before the presidential election later this year. ‘I just wish we could do it quicker.’

‘You know, in certain countries, you’re allowed to call your election date,’ he added. ‘If I had the right to do it, I’d do it tomorrow. I’d say we’re having an election tomorrow.’

‘South Carolina – thank you very much. Go home, get some rest. We have a lot of work ahead of us,” Trump urged in his remarks, where he notably omitted any mention of his remaining Republican rival.

During a ‘state of the race’ speech on Tuesday, Haley emphasized that she was determined to continue her bid despite her disastrous performance in the primary thus far and discouraging polling data showing her trailing Trump by significant margins in national and state elections.

The ex-governor of South Carolina affirmed her commitment to remain in the 2024 Republican primary until Super Tuesday on March 5th, when 16 states and a territory will host contests, presenting a staggering opportunity to vie for 874 delegates in a single day.

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘The Return Of Donald J Trump’

There Are Only Two Things That Can Stop the Re-election of Donald Trump

The Biden news cycle is disastrous—and unending: a perfect storm of his failures abroad, disaster at the border, and reasons why sky-high prices nullify the Bidenomics hype.

The Return Of Donald J Trump | Victor Davis Hanson

The bad news is interspersed with fallout from the Special Counsel’s damning report. Panicked Democrat grandees worry not over whether, but how, to remove Biden.

Then there are, of course, Biden’s daily flubs, confusions, spaciness, and creepy outbursts that grow at a geometric rate.

So there are only two things that can likely stop the reelection of Donald Trump.

One is the obviously coordinated effort of four prosecutors—Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis to rush to judgement and keep Trump in a courtroom all spring and summer, convict him, and put him in jail before the November election.

But that gambit is starting to unravel.

Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis will be taken off the case, if not disbarred or indicted herself. With her demise, her inflated indictment will likely not be taken up by surrogate partisans.

Jack Smith’s federal suit had been damaged by his obsessions with accelerating the trial for patently political purposes. Now there is a growing asymmetry in the two special counsels’ antithetical applications of the same law.

Joe Biden’s got a pass for taking out classified documents for a longer time, knowingly not reporting it, and putting them in less secure places than Mar-a-Lago, without an option to declassify them, as accorded to a president.

Letitia James’s case has received the most legal rebuke, given no other person has ever been so charged in New York for supposedly overstating real estate assets where there no injured party.

In Trump’s case no bank came forward to complain about the collateral Trump put up to secure loans—given he paid the loans back, in timely fashion and with profitable interests to the banks.

Alvin Bragg dragged up a 2005 tryst and a 2016 nondisclosure agreement to claim a campaign finance violation, in a fashion unimaginable for any candidate other than Trump.

All the prosecutors are either registered Democrats or liberals or both. There are clear ethics violations that range from prosecutors running for office on promises to get Trump, to coordinating their suits with the White House counsel or the January 6th committee.

So Trump may well find a way to be able to beat these patently weaponized indictments.

The other only way Trump might lose is—Trump himself.

He is being handed a rare gift with the Biden mental meltdown that will lead to even more damaging news cycles.

The Democratic donor class and political elite are desperate to find some bizarre way to dump Biden and appoint a replacement either before, during, or after the convention.

So all Trump must do is three simple things:

1) Enjoy the Biden doom loop and do not interrupt it.

2) Do not say something weird or crazy enough to feed the left-wing media machine that is desperately searching for a way to stop the news of the Biden hemorrhaging.

3) Do not appear unpalatable or toxic to independents and moderates whose support could give Trump an extra 3-5 percent margin—and with it some insurance over the inevitable Democratic “edge” in non-Election-Day, and thus less verifiable, voting.

Instead, in a 24-hour cycle Trump violated all three cannons.

One, in lose/lose fashion he asked rhetorically where was Hayley’s husband (an attempt to fuel rumors of adultery surrounding her years in South Carolina governance?)

That only set him up for her answer: patriotically serving his country abroad as a soldier.

Next, he trolled his critics by claiming that he had once told a NATO ally that if any still persisted in refusing to meet its military spending obligations, and still expected the U.S. to defend them, then he would tell the Russians to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any financially wayward NATO nation.

Trump likely was trying to boast in art-of-the-deal, hard-ball fashion how he got NATO countries to up their defense spending, or said it in trolling fashion to irk his perennial NATO/Putin critics.

But no matter: the media went crazy and for a day the country forgot Biden’s news noose.

Such trolling disrupted the Biden free fall. It gave the media another shot at their hysterical mongering of “how dare Trump say that”.

Sure, Hayley is accusing Trump of being near senile, crazy, and dangerous, but he has to get even not mad—by ignoring her since she is going nowhere in the primaries.

Trump thinks his prior performance-art, rhetorical threats to NATO forced many of them to act in their self-interest and spend more on defense. And that may be true. But postfacto bragging of the threats he used only fuels the media’s old saw that Trump will destroy NATO and is Putin’s puppet.

Trump is sending a life-raft to a drowning Biden, while alienating millions of disenchanted and frightened Biden voters, especially independents, RINOS, and old Blue-Dog Democrats who are all considering a Trump vote. Again, he may need them.

Trump so far is doing his best to counter the lawfare of his enemies.

But only he can stop himself from gifting Biden and hurting himself—as he interrupts

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘Joe Biden And His White House Handlers Continue To Peddle Misinformation’

“Oh What a Tangled Web Biden Weaves, When He First Practices to Deceive”

Joe Biden and his White House handlers continue to peddle misinformation if not lies about his removal of classified files.

The worst is that Biden—supposedly so unlike Trump—came forward willingly as soon as he realized that he had unlawfully, but inadvertently, removed and possessed classified files. And thus he cooperated fully and promptly with federal authorities.

The truth is far, far different.

Biden removed files improperly both as a Senator and Vice President.

He held some of them in his unlawful possession for perhaps at least 14 years without a word to authorities, dating back at least to his departure from the Senate on January 15, 2009 when he resigned to become Vice President—or if not longer over his some 36-year Senate career.

In fact, in 2017 Biden was fully aware that he had wrongly removed these classified files. As Hur noted, there is a taped conversation on record between Biden and his ghostwriter to just that effect. Biden, at home in Virginia, was recorded as remarking, “I just found all the classified stuff downstairs”.

And yet Biden apparently did nothing. He never came forward to any federal authorities for nearly the next five years.

So given that knowledge, why did the attorneys belatedly disclose Biden’s possession of the files on November 2, 2022? Civic virtue? Altruism? Respect for the law?


Otherwise, Biden would have disclosed his unlawful possession at any time during either the intervening prior years when he was a private citizen or during the first 18 months of his presidency, when he knowingly still possessed classified files and still did nothing about it.

In truth, Biden would likely never have come forward, save for one insurmountable problem: Merrick Garland had likely decided to appoint Jack Smith as a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump files that the FBI had swooped into Mar-a-Lago looking for 3 months earlier on August 8, 2022.

In other words, knowing that Smith or a generic special counsel would very quickly be appointed (Smith was sworn in a little over two weeks later, on November 18, 2022), suddenly Biden and Co. preempted that announcement, in fear that Biden had done virtually the same thing as Trump—albeit without presidential declassification power and for at least 14 years in possession of classified files.

Had the attorneys and Biden not come forward, Trump and others would have asked whether Biden had not also removed files. So to get out in front of the formal announcement of the Smith appointment, they preempted, misleadingly and disingenuously, preening that civic virtue had prompted Biden’s “voluntary” disclosures and “cooperation”.

A final note: one of the more disturbing moments in Biden’s catastrophic press conference was his flare up at Hur’s revelation (“How dare he bring up that!”) that in formal interviews an enfeebled Biden had not remembered the general date of his son’s tragic death from a glioblastoma brain tumor on May 30th, 2015 at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC.

Biden went on to vent at Hur.

But Hur was simply documenting his analysis that Biden was severely cognitively impaired, and not as VP Kamala Harris claimed, gratuitously smearing Biden.

But who exactly had serially lied about Beau Biden’s demise, by claiming that he had died while on duty in Iraq, serving in the Delaware National Guard as a Judge Advocate?

Joe Biden.

He has still a bad habit of directing attention away from grieving families of fallen soldiers, by claiming that he too experienced the same nightmare.

Biden had been pilloried in the media to cease such false narratives about his son’s tragic premature death due to natural causes back in the United States, years after his deployment in Iraq.

But to no avail, he continues spinning such myths as he did repeatedly as late as last year.

Sadly, doctoring family tragedies for his own purposes is not new to Biden, as Jack Fowler noted in 2019.

The tragic death in a December 1972 traffic accident of his first wife and daughter, and the injuries of his two sons, was raised for decades by Biden—but in a completely false context of blaming an innocent truck driver, Curtis Dunn for the death.

Dunn was innocent of any culpability. No matter, Biden in his serial retelling for years repeatedly smeared Dunn as drunk driver (“an errant driver who stopped to drink”) who had killed his wife and daughter.

Biden finally gave in to the repeated pleas for decades from the truck driver and after his death, his family.

Or as a 2010 Mark Bowden Atlantic essay on Biden noted:

“For many years, he described the driver of the truck that struck and killed his first wife and their daughter in December 1972 as drunk, which he apparently was not. The tale could hardly be more tragic; why add in a baseless charge? The family of the truck driver has labored to correct the record, but Biden made the reference to drunkenness as recently as 2007, needlessly resurrecting a false and painful accusation.”

By Victor Davis Hanson

Jesse Watters: ‘Everyone who blows the whistle on the Biden’s seems to get locked up’

The DOJ is bringing felony charges against the “credible” FBI informant who said Joe & Hunter Biden were involved in a $10m bribery scheme with Burisma. Everyone who blows the whistle on the Biden’s seems to get locked up.

Jesse Watters

‘The CIA Actively Influenced The US 2020 Election On Behalf Of Joe Biden’

Unraveling the CIA’s Role in the 2020 Election and the Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy

The 2020 presidential election in the United States was marked by unprecedented levels of controversy and scrutiny, with allegations of foreign interference, media bias, and political manipulation dominating headlines. At the center of this maelstrom was the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in assisting Joe Biden’s campaign, as well as the explosive controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop

Ian Carroll: “The CIA actively influenced the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden because they have mountains of blackmail on him and he’s old and manipulable. And they have used his presidency to get us into two wars and lord knows what else.”

Ian Carroll

One of the most contentious aspects of the 2020 election was the reported involvement of the CIA in providing assistance to Joe Biden’s campaign, and the mere suggestion of intelligence agency involvement in domestic politics raises serious questions about the integrity of the electoral process.

At the heart of the 2020 election controversy was the explosive revelation of Hunter Biden’s laptop which purportedly contained incriminating evidence against the Biden family, became a focal point of media attention and political discourse in the lead-up to the election. However, the authenticity of the laptop and the veracity of its contents were called into question, with some alleging that it was part of a coordinated effort by foreign actors to influence the outcome of the election.

Amidst the swirling controversy, a letter from the intelligence community to Senator Chuck Grassley provided a semblance of clarity. The letter confirmed that the laptop was not part of a Russian disinformation campaign, debunking previous claims to the contrary. While this revelation may have quelled some concerns about foreign interference, it also raised new questions about the handling of sensitive information and the credibility of intelligence agencies in the public eye.

The CIA’s assistance to Joe Biden’s campaign and its role in the Hunter Biden laptop saga have reignited concerns about the politicization of intelligence agencies.

The mainstream media’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story has also come under scrutiny, with accusations of bias and censorship swirling in conservative circles. And the media’s reluctance to investigate and report on the laptop controversy reflects a broader pattern of liberal bias and double standards in journalistic ethics. This perceived imbalance in media coverage further erodes public trust and confidence in the fourth estate.

In the wake of these revelations, there has been a growing chorus of voices calling for greater transparency and accountability in the intelligence community. Conservatives argue that robust oversight and independent investigation are essential to restoring public trust and confidence in government institutions. Moreover, they emphasize the need to uphold the integrity of elections and safeguard the democratic process from external interference and internal corruption.

Ultimately, the events surrounding the CIA’s role in the 2020 election and the Hunter Biden laptop controversy underscore the importance of upholding the integrity of elections and the republic. In a democracy founded on principles of transparency, accountability, and the rule of law, it is imperative that government institutions operate with the utmost integrity and impartiality. Only through a commitment to these values can we ensure that the will of the people is respected and that the democratic process remains inviolable.

Only then can we ensure that the voices of the people are heard, their rights protected, and their trust in government can begin to be restored.