ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith Calls Out Democrats, Again Over Trump Hush Money Trial: ‘I’m Utterly DISGUSTED With What I’m Seeing. They’ve Clearly POLITICIZED This’

In recent remarks, Stephen A. Smith didn’t hold back his criticism of the ongoing hush money trial involving former President Trump, expressing his desire to witness Trump’s defeat through lawful means. This trial marks a historic moment as Trump becomes the first former U.S. president to stand trial in a criminal case, with proceedings commencing in Manhattan this week.

At the heart of the case lies allegations that Trump unlawfully manipulated business records while reimbursing his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, for payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels to conceal an alleged affair prior to the 2016 presidential election. Smith contended that the Democrats’ insistence on commencing Trump’s trial before the election, despite his efforts to postpone it, underscores their fears regarding Biden’s ability to beat Trump in the polls.

“That appears to be their strategy, but I’m going to tell you, it’s not working. It’s not working at all,” Smith told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Thursday. “And to be quite honest, I don’t mind the fact that it’s not working because I might not be a supporter of Donald Trump, but I want him to lose the right way.”

“Primarily I have voted Democrat throughout my life, but I’m utterly disgusted with what I’m seeing…They’ve clearly politicized this thing with Donald Trump because they can’t come up with a strategy to offset the momentum he’s clearly gained.”

Stephen A. Smith

“I want him to lose because you have better ideas and you make your case to the American people better than he does. That’s why I want him to lose,” he continued, citing President Biden. “I don’t want him to lose the way they’re trying to make him lose.”

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Newly Naturalized US Citizen Dismissed From Trump Jury Shares Initial Impression Of Trump’s Skin Color:

‘You know he looked less orange, definitely like more yellowish, like yellow.’ 🤡🌏

In a recent interview on April 16th, Trump legal spokesperson Alina Habba joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss the latest developments in the former president’s hush money trial in New York City.

Trump attorney warns there is ‘no chance’ he gets a fair trial

Interviewer: Do you think Donald J. Trump will be able to get a fair trial?

Alina Habba: No chance. There is no chance of a fair trial here. Remember, just because it’s a jury doesn’t mean that the judge can’t sway them to go one way or another or make things difficult so that jury selection is impossible. That’s what happened yesterday. They spent the first few hours doing things that probably should have been done before a jury was waiting. That discourages jurors to want to sit on a panel. And then they come in and they are told that they can’t get off from Passover if they observe it. That you will have no break other than Wednesday in the middle of the week. That messes up everybody’s schedules. And people don’t want to sit for that. That’s why we saw half of the jurors say they could not be impartial and want to walk.

Interviewer: What’s your reaction, Alina, to the judge saying we understand that former President Trump wants to go to the Supreme Court for his other case. It’s not going to happen. Might not be able to take off one day to see his son graduate high school. Is this standard for judges to turn requests like that down or do they make those sorts of accommodations, usually?

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Alina Habba: No. Accommodations are always made by judges. That’s why you go over the schedule. If there wasn’t such a rigid schedule you wouldn’t be doing that in practice. Did you go over it. You look at holidays and things of that nature. Remember, something about this, Carley. This case has been investigated for 8 years. It wasn’t brought by Cy Vance and now D.A. Bragg is bringing this case after the President had announced that he was running for office again. There’s no coincidences here. So now he wants to rush it because November 2024 is an election and is he probably hoping he has got this in the bag. Even though it’s on completely discredited witnesses, that we know have perjured themselves. It’s ridiculous. So, yeah, that’s an accommodation that would normally be made. It’s not just a discourtesy to the President. It’s to all the people in there, the jurors. The attorneys that observe holidays, never mind Barron’s high school graduation. There is absolutely no rush after 8 years other than the fact that November 2024 is election day.

Interviewer: And to your point on the quote, unquote rush job that Merchan is doing he said well, I may grant the President allowance to go see his son graduate if we are moving along. That’s a warning shot. Don’t slow this thing up, Donald Trump’s attorney and ie don’t slow it up doing your job, attorneys, which is to advocate for the best interest of your client. Before we let you know, we know the media is going to have a lot of influence in this case if they haven’t done so already. Washington releasing too much personal information on a potential juror with lives, works, multiple details about his family. Should that reporter get reprimanded by this court for literally jeopardizing the anonymous juror rule so important to the juries prudence in our country?

Alina Habba: Yeah. I think it is important. I think being a part of a jury I think being a part of a jury is a critical part of our service to our country. Being able to do so impartiality is incredibly critical, and right now what we’ve seen between the judge and these journalists is that your jepordizing the safety of individuals and you really shouldn’t do that. Generally speaking it will discourage people from sitting on the panel and they will say they can’t sit even if they could serve. Yeah, so it’s a problem. They should not be able to do it.

Interviewer: This style expected to last until, what, June? The former President is required to be there every day that this trial is in session.

The View’s Resident Legal Genius Sunny Hostin Believes Trump Will Get An Impartial Jury —

As long as it’s filled with people who hate him and a Trump supporter doesn’t “sneak onto the jury.”


The View Speaking On Trump Trial

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SHOCKING! Trump Trial FIX IS IN! Dismissed Juror Admits Outrageous POLITICAL BIAS!

Viva Frei discusses the ongoing criminal persecution of President Donald Trump in New York.

“Donald Trump is going to get a jury of his peers in New York if his peers consist of MSM consuming brain dead morons who want him lynched”

Viva Frei
Trump Trial: The FIX IS IN

Frei criticizes the judicial process, highlighting perceived biases and conflicts of interest among the judge, jury, and prosecutors. He expresses skepticism about Trump receiving a fair trial due to what they view as a tainted jury pool consisting of individuals with strong anti-Trump sentiments.

Donald Trump is now the first President in American history to be criminally prosecuted in the wonderful corrupt state of New York

Viva frei

Frei cites an interview with a dismissed juror who openly expressed negative opinions about Trump, suggesting that such biases undermine the fairness of the trial.

Additionally, the he criticizes Trump’s treatment by the media and accuses the judicial system in New York of being corrupt and politically motivated. Overall, Viva Frei condemns a miscarriage of justice and calls for scrutiny of the legal proceedings.

“The most important part is the undeniable political bias of any jury pool in New York. Thank you for playing and assisting in exposing the fact that Trump will never get a fair trial in New York. Regarding Kyle D Cheney, it’s unclear if he has any relation to Liz Cheney, the bipartisan member of the January 6 Kangaroo Court committee that sought to get Trump at all costs.”

Viva Frei

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Stephen A. Smith Blasts Democrats As ‘Cowards’ In Lawfare Battles Against Trump: ‘Millions Of People Can See The Extent To Which The Other Side Is Willing To Go Just To Keep Him Out Of Office..’

ESPN’s renowned sports media personality, Stephen A. Smith, didn’t mince words when addressing Democrats’ fervor for prosecuting Donald Trump. In his scathing remarks, Smith asserted that Democrats were merely echoing Trump’s claim that the trials were nothing more than political theatrics.

Smith’s critique comes at a pivotal moment as Trump’s hush money trial commences jury selection, coinciding with his active 2024 presidential campaign. With Trump facing a staggering 88 felony charges spread across four indictments, Smith contends that Democrats should concentrate their efforts on defeating Trump on the campaign trail rather than in court.

Addressing his liberal counterparts, Smith articulated, “To my liberal friends out there, all you’re doing is showing that you’re scared you can’t beat him on the issues and the merits,” Smith said. “That’s why he keeps saying it’s a political campaign against me. That’s why he keeps saying they can’t beat me at the election, at the polls — this is the only way they can do it.” He emphasized Trump’s repeated claim that the legal battles are a strategic move to derail his political ambitions. Smith emphasized that voters are becoming more aware of the extent to which Democrats are willing to go to prevent Trump from returning to the White House, expressing concern over the resulting lack of national unity

“And they’re going to say, ‘Hey, you trumped us up against him again,’ and we’ll have no peace when all you gotta do is figure out a way to beat him on the issues,” Smith said. “But you haven’t been able to do it.”

Smith’s critique echoes a sentiment shared by millions: the need to redirect focus from legal maneuvering to substantive policy debates, where the true battle for the nation’s future lies.

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LIVE: Legal Drama Escalates As Fani Willis Saga Returns To Court! Judge Tackles Fresh Arguments On Free Speech In Georgia Trump Case

The Constitutional Right of Free Speech In Our Republic: Amidst the fervent legal debate, one fundamental question looms large: the constitutional right of free speech in Trump vs Willis case. As lawyers meticulously dissect the intricacies of the law, it becomes evident that the heart of the matter lies in preserving the bedrock principle of freedom of expression. The courtroom serves as a battleground where the clash between legal precedent and contemporary challenges unfolds.

🚨LIVE BREAKING🚨Fani Willis Saga RETURNS to Court! Judge Hears New Arguments on Georgia Trump Case

In a riveting courtroom drama, the Fani Willis saga returns to court, reigniting the contentious battle surrounding the case involving President Trump in Georgia. Lawyers and legal experts convene for a live session, armed with new arguments on free speech and a fervent determination to unravel the complexities at hand

At its core, the case underscores the delicate balance between protecting democratic discourse and upholding the rule of law. While the First Amendment safeguards individuals’ rights to express their views without fear of government reprisal.

Fani Willis Trial LIVE | Team Donald Trump Tears Into Fani Willis LIVE | Trump Vs Fani Willis LIVE

As the legal saga continues to unfold, it serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring importance of defending constitutional rights. The outcome of this courtroom drama will not only shape the trajectory of this particular case but also reverberate far beyond the confines of the courtroom, influencing the broader landscape of legal jurisprudence and democratic governance. In this crucible of legal scrutiny, the constitutional right of free speech stands as a beacon of liberty, guiding the path towards justice and democracy.

First Amendment Challenges

The discourse begins with an in-depth examination of First Amendment protections within the context of the case. Counselors meticulously analyze how the principles of free speech intersect with the specific allegations, probing the boundaries of legal interpretation. One participant is heard stating, “to that it almost makes it sound like you should not be considering First Amendment challenges as applied,” underscoring the nuanced nature of the legal argument.

Implications of False Statements in Political Discourse

As the debate progresses, tensions mount over the portrayal and implications of false statements in political discourse. Attorneys grapple with the fundamental question of whether falsehoods uttered within the realm of politics should warrant legal repercussions. A poignant exchange ensues, with one speaker expressing, “if it’s false, it’s a violation of the law, and I’m saying as applied to political speech, that can’t be constitutional,” encapsulating the essence of the contentious discussion.

Constitutionality of Prosecuting Political Speech

Central to the deliberation is the constitutional validity of prosecuting political speech based on alleged falsehoods. Lawyers on both sides present compelling arguments, citing legal precedents and constitutional principles. The courtroom reverberates with impassioned statements, as legal minds clash over the delicate balance between safeguarding free speech and combating misinformation.


Fulton County Hearing in Trump GA Election Case. Aired 10:30- 11a ET

Aired March 28, 2024 – 10:30   ET



STEVE SADOW, ATTORNEY FOR FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: — conduct or speech. We have false statements alleged in overt acts, and again, all of which are political core value, political discourse, you have false statements in overt acts 1, 5, 7, 8, 17, 93, 97, 108, 113, 133, 135, and 157.

The only allegations there are falsity. There’s no allegation beyond the fact that those statements are made, and I’m suggesting that heightened political speech has to be looked at differently.

When it comes to tweets, which is at least the way the state sets it forth, is also political speech, and here certainly by the then- president of the United States, you have tweets in 22, 26, 27, 32, 75, 100, 101, 106, 114, 128, 138, and 139. So, the majority of the overt acts involve false statements or tweets, which are clearly political speech.

How best to deal with that under the circumstances, to prosecute those under a broad RICO charge supposedly with contesting an election by, I guess, illegitimate speech or expressive conduct, or is the way that we are set up as a country is that the First Amendment plays through this by others, by those that are complaining that it’s false, proving it’s false, bringing forth the truth. That’s the essence of what Alvarez has said. That’s the essence of what a case called Brown versus Hartlage, which is cited in Alvarez. It’s 456 U.S. 45 at 61, a 1982 decision.

All of those speak in terms of when you’re dealing with that speech, that political speech, you’re best to deal with it through the pushing forth a counterview of truth, not prosecuting the speech maker or the person that is articulating his political views.

Here we’ve done just the opposite. We have decided that because of those views were unpopular and in state’s opinion false, we must prosecute them to stop them from happening again, which is, again, the essence of why it’s unconstitutional as applied because that’s not what the law says.

Finally, the rest of the overt acts, either telephone calls or meetings or requests, no false statements. They’re just acts, expressive acts, and they’re in there as well. Those are political acts. And for the court’s benefit, because I know there’s a lot of overt acts, those are 9, 14, 19, 28, 30, 31, 40, 42, 43, 44, 90, 95, 112, what was in the old indictment is 123, number two is now I think is 125. 130, 131, 140, and 156.

There is nothing alleged factually against President Trump that is not political speech. What this court has to decide is, is the state’s position that fraud or false statements under these circumstances, which I suggest really is alone, is that enough to get it by an as applied challenge? Our position is it’s not. Is there another way to look at this? They’re going to argue at the same time that it’s integral to criminal conduct, but it’s the speech that’s being punished. That is the criminal conduct. If it’s not the criminal conduct, there would never be an indictment for the RICO against President Trump or any of these other counts.

Take out the political speech, no criminal charges. Political speech disagreed with basis for all charges. I think that is the best way for me to sum up where our position is.

JUDGE SCOTT MCAFEE, SUPERIOR COURT OF FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA: All right. Thank you, Mr. Sadow. All right. Mr. Wakeford or Mr. Floyd, if there are any points that you wanted to address or respond to?

Well, I’ll start — maybe I’ll start you off with this. It certainly seems that the primary case driving Mr. Sadow’s argument would be Alvarez and — you know, because that’s a fractured kind of plurality opinion. I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on just how much that can drive this and — I know the state back in December was also citing Alvarez as the primary case. I wonder if that’s even the best one for your arguments?


DONALD WAKEFORD, CHIEF SENIOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FULTON COUNTY: Well, I think to address the first, I think, elephant in this courtroom is that Judge Chutkan in D.C. has evaluated all of these arguments under Supreme Court precedent already.

So, I would refer, Your Honor, to that court’s analysis because I’m hardly going to improve upon the findings of the federal judge. However, speaking specifically to Alvarez, it is a plurality opinion with several different concurring — several different opinions written by other justices. What they all agree on, though, is that Alvarez doesn’t change the law, that speech integral to criminal conduct is not protected under the First Amendment, and that that’s not what Alvarez was about. It was about punishing falsity for its own sake.

So, the question is, is that what the state is doing here? And by fundamentally rewriting the indictment, the defendant is suggesting today that that is somehow what the state is doing, when actually what the state is saying is that these statements made by the defendant were all employed as part of criminal activity, various conspiracies, frauds, intentions with deceit, and violations of the law.

It’s not just that they were false. It’s not that the defendant has been hauled into a courtroom because the prosecution doesn’t like what he said. He is free to say — to make statements and to file lawsuits and to make other legitimate protests. What he is not allowed to do is employ his speech and his expression and his statements as part of a criminal conspiracy to violate George’s RICO statute, to impersonate public officers, to file false documents, and to make false statements to the government. That’s what he’s alleged to do.

It’s never — he’s not charged under 16-10-20 because he told some lies, although it is very interesting to hear counsel for Mr. Trump tell us about the usefulness of lies. He’s not being prosecuted for lying. He’s being prosecuted for lying to the government, an act which is illegal because it does harm to the government. That’s the reason that it’s illegal. That’s why it’s different from the statute evaluated in Alvarez.

Same thing with filing a false document. It’s not just that you’ve made a false statement, it’s that you swore to it in a court document and submitted it to the court. That does harm to the judicial system. That’s obviously different from just falsity being punished for its own sake. And that is what each and every charge in the indictment is. demonstrates, is that these statements are part of criminal conduct that is larger than just the false statement on its own.

Especially with the RICO charge, where what we see is that this is a criminal organization whose members and associates engaged in various criminal activities, including but not limited to false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer, forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, and on and on and on.

What the defendant is suggesting to Your Honor is trying to get around to the fact that because — it’s almost saying that because these statements are false, that these charges should be dismissed, it’s like, well, you can’t punish falsity on its own, and yet each time you look at the charge, the government’s saying, the state is saying that he lied. So, that must be the end of the inquiry. But that’s not the end of the inquiry at all. That’s not what the indictment says.

It’s not just that he lied over and over and over again, as counsel for the defendant points out by listing all of the instances in the indictment, it’s that each of those was employed as part of criminal activity with criminal intentions. And we finally get to a place where it’s — where I knew we would end up, which is saying, I believe Your Honor was requested to think about it as, not as lies, but as legitimate concern about election issues.

Well, that sounds like a trial argument to me, but this is why I began by talking about intent with Your Honor because I knew we were going to end up in this exact place where he said, sure, you can look at him as lies because they weren’t true, or you could think this is just well-intentioned concerns from an American citizen speaking his mind. And that, of course, would probably be a pretty good argument to put before a jury. And I expect we will see it, but it’s not a basis for dismissing the indictment.

The whole question of intent is no doubt going to be brought up. It can only be determined by a jury. But what we have heard here today is an attempt to rewrite the indictment, to take out the parts that are inconvenient and only say, well, it’s all speech, it’s all talking, and he was just a guy asking questions and not someone who was part of an overarching criminal conspiracy trying to overturn election results for an election he did not win, by violating the RICO statute, by making false statements to the government, by filing for false documents, by impersonating officers and doing a whole host of other activity, which is harmful, in addition to the falsity of the statements employed to make them happen.


So, I think there’s been a suggestion that Your Honor can sort of reframe what you’re looking at. But Alvarez does nothing to shift the basis that the court should stand upon when evaluating the indictment. And that is to say, is this speech being punished solely because it’s false, solely because of its viewpoint or is the speech that’s being demonstrated as integral to a pattern of criminal activity?

And finally, the fact that it speaks to political concerns or core political speech, and this is something that the court in D.C. thoroughly addressed, does not change the fact that it can be employed as part of criminal conduct. The mere fact that you’re talking about issues of public concern or core political speech, which may be completely fine and protected in certain — in most contexts does not mean that you cannot be indicted if you use that kind of speech to pursue illegal activities. That’s the whole nature of the question.

So, it’s very circular, and I would direct Your Honor to page six to seven of the post hearing brief filed by defendant Trump, which says, the speech integral to criminal conduct exception of the First Amendment does not apply here because all the charged conduct constitutes First Amendment protected speech. That is a very neat circle.

The First Amendment protects us because all the speech is protected by the First Amendment. And in the end, no matter how much we hear about the — obviously the noble protections afforded by the First Amendment, all of this is an effort to get Your Honor not to look at the basic fact that this speech, this expression, all this activity is employed as part of a pattern of criminal conduct in a host of ways.

And because Your Honor is bound by the indictment and has to look at the indictment and can’t look beyond it, if we’re going to get into this at this stage, then there’s nowhere to go, as I said at the beginning, because this is all alleged as part of a pattern of criminal conduct and not protected by the First Amendment.

Any argument to the other, otherwise, is just to try to pretend like that’s not true.

MCAFEE: All right. Thank you, Mr. Wakeford.

WAKEFORD: Thank you, Your Honor.

JOHN FLOYD, FULTON COUNTY SPECIAL PROSECUTOR: Your Honor, may I add one point briefly?

MCAFEE: Sure. FLOYD: Thank you.

SADOW: Wait a second. We’re being doubled up on here?

MCAFEE: This is not a trial. I think you can handle it, Mr. Sadow.

FLOYD: And I’m just going to be on one specific point, not duplicate the argument made before.

I believe defendant Trump fundamentally misunderstands the role of an overt act in a conspiracy case. As we’ve discussed many times previously, this is a RICO conspiracy case. And so, we heard Mr. Sadow discuss various overt acts and say, well, but this is just a tweet. This is just a phone call. This was just acts. The unspoken underlying and incorrect premise then is that every overt act must be a crime.

As we’ve discussed a number of times and as the state has said forth extensively in multiple briefs, that’s not true. The purpose of an overt act is to show that the conspiracy is in operation. It is not a separate crime. It doesn’t have to satisfy the elements. It doesn’t have to be pled with that level of detail, as Your Honor acknowledges in an order, I think, that’s all of two weeks old.

And so, to say we can’t mention this particular act or this particular conduct because it’s not a crime or it’s protected by the First Amendment, the answer to that is actually so what? Because it could be First — it could legal conduct, it could be First Amendment protected conduct, that also shows there’s a conspiracy in operation. And that’s — as long as it serves that purpose, it’s fine.

And so, overt acts should not be examined by a standard that has no application to them. They are not separate freestanding offenses. And there is federal case law that — and maybe we can cite it to you, that has said an overt act can involve First Amendment activity. Its purpose is not to be something that is separately charged here or separately — subject to a separate sentence, its purpose is to show that there is a conspiracy and it’s in operation.

Georgia requires for RICO because one overt act by any one defendant. So, of course, the RICO would stand if anything, any of the 161 overt acts alleged constituted an overt act. It would only take one. It doesn’t take any by Mr. Trump.

But the point is we have an abundance of them by Mr. Trump. And for purposes of the RICO statute in the manner in which it functions, it doesn’t matter whether that’s First Amendment conduct or not. I mean, we’ve — my colleague has fully explained why much of this conduct is not shielded under any circumstance by the First Amendment, and I don’t mean to contradict that in any respect. But it’s important not to lose sight of the function the overt act plays, the role it plays in a conspiracy case here because it is not the role being suggested by defendant Trump.


MCAFEE: All right. Thank you, Mr. Floyd. All right. Mr. Sadow, I’ll give you a couple minutes, final word.

SADOW: Thank you, sir. If I heard what Mr. Floyd just said that if everything President Trump said was assumed true and included in the RICO indictment and therefore, now, we’re talking about true political speech not alleged false, he could still be prosecuted for the violation of RICO.

MCAFEE: But the overt acts, as alleged — let’s say even the overt acts ran afoul of the First Amendment. He’s saying that wouldn’t be fatal to count one.

SADOW: Because at that point, if they —

MCAFEE: There could be some other thing they prove that’s not alleged as an overt act.

SADOW: OK. That may —

MCAFEE: As I understand it.

SADOW: As I understood it as well. But what I’m suggesting is if all of the overt acts are nothing more than core political speech or expressive conduct and nothing else is alleged which is not protected by the First Amendment then you have an insufficient basis for which he has been indicted because he’s being indicted for First Amendment speech and not for unprotected speech.

And therefore, the statement that was made about, if it were true, we could still use it as an overt act suggests that they can prosecute true speech, which is what we’re trying to get to here. It’s the nature of the speech, the political speech, the heightened value of such which gives this situation different than others and the fact that it comes from then-president of the United States.

Going back to what was said in addition by the state, what the state claims is criminal here is lying to the government. That’s what it said. That’s the exact reason why in several of the Supreme Court cases it’s been found to be protected speech because it deals with the government and falsity in the sense of communication with or to the government is best dealt with through true speech not through prosecutions, because prosecutions chill speech. And when it comes to political core speech what you don’t want is chilled.

I use — fortunately I have a co-counsel that is able to pull things up and help me inform the court — until the computer shuts down. And looking at what Haley says, just to give you an idea of how the Georgia court — the Supreme Court might look at this. There’s a quote from Haley, and it says, while there is no constitutional value in false statements of fact, such erroneous statements are nevertheless inevitable in free debate, and punishment of error runs the risk of inducing a cautious and restrictive exercise of the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of speech and press.

Accordingly, the First Amendment requires that we protect some falsehood in order to protect speech that matters. And I think that’s what we’re talking about here. To end this, and again, we’re focusing on President Trump’s conduct at the time that he, in fact, is the head of the executive branch. There is references to this in Brown v. Hartlage, and I cited that earlier. A well-publicized, yet bogus complaint on election eve raises the concerns that is — raises the concerns that you may have some impact that would affect an election.

But the preferred First Amendment remedy of more speech, not enforced silence, has special force. Underlying our dependence upon more speech is the presupposition, the right conclusions are more likely to be gathered out of a multitude of tongues than through any kind of authoritative selection. To many, this is and always will be folly, but we have staked upon it all. And for speech concerning public affairs is more than self-expression, it is the essence of self- government, and that comes from Garrison v. Louisiana, which is cited also in Alvarez.


Bottom line here is this. But for protected First Amendment speech President Trump would not be charged in RICO or the other counts. Take out the protected speech and you don’t have an underlying basis for which to charge him. And since that violates constitution as applied to the charges here and his speech here and his position here, this is ripe for a constitutional challenge.

One step further, if it’s not ripe now and we get into intent, when does the court determine that? Do you determine that after we have a trial?

MCAFEE: I think it would be the directed verdict stage, right?

SADOW: Would it?

MCAFEE: Even with all the —

SADOW: That’s a sufficiency of evidence.

MCAFEE: With all inferences, yes, in favor of —

SADOW: That’s a whole question. I mean, do we go through the whole trial? God forbid there should be a conviction and then we go back to try and determine as applied? I’m suggesting the reason it’s ripe now and the reason why we don’t even get to a trial is because it’s unconstitutional to force and accused, be it the president of the United States — former president or anyone else to stand trial on protected speech. And I think that’s what Alvarez and the progeny previous to that and after say.

MCAFEE: All right. Thank you, Mr. Sadow. All right. Mr. Gillen, do you need a minute before we dive in or can we get started? OK.


MCAFEE: OK. So, just teeing this one up. I know there’s a good bit of your motion —

LAURA COATES, CNN ANCHOR: We have been listening to this oral argument before the judge in this hearing today that’s trying to lay out reasons that he — that the Trump team and another defendant believe that this should be dismissed on First Amendment grounds.

I want to go to our panel here who is champion at the bit to weigh in. There’s a lot to unpack here on what we have seen. The primary point, of course, being that they believe that the First Amendment — the Trump council believe the First Amendment and protected speech should not should not be overturned or not be by the indictment.

Let’s go to Elie Honig first. Elie, tell me what you are seeing here and hearing through these arguments today.

ELIE HONIG, FORMER ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK: So, Laura, the core argument that we just heard from Donald Trump’s lawyers is that everything he’s being prosecuted for here is protected First Amendment political speech. And you heard the lawyer argue that even if the speech is false, even if it’s unpopular, it’s still protected.

Now, the response from the prosecutors, from the D.A.’s here, is that no, he crossed the line to where his speech became part of the charged criminal acts. Now, there’s a sort of separate dispute here about whether the court has to accept the indictments as — the allegations as they are in the indictment. Donald Trump’s team says, why do we just have to take it as a given that this was illegal because that’s what it says in the indictment, don’t we get to contest that?

And, Laura, that led to sort of the last point that we heard there, which is the question of when does this First Amendment issue get decided? And you heard the judge sort of say, well, why don’t we — isn’t the way we decide this as we put it in front of the jury and we let the jury decide at trial? Donald Trump’s lawyer objected to that. He said, no, we’d like you to throw it out now. Why go through with the whole exercise of a trial if this indictment ultimately is going to be no good?

Really important one other thing to note, Laura, this same argument was made by Donald Trump in his federal case in Washington, D.C., relating to election subversion. And the federal judge there, and you heard reference to this, Judge Chutkan, she rejected that First Amendment argument. She said, no, I find this is not protected speech. It crossed the line into criminality and we’ll leave it for the jury.

So, Trump’s team is fighting an uphill battle here legally, but the judge is willing to hear them out.

COATES: I mean, they are fighting. I want to go to our table as well. It wasn’t just that Judge Chutkan said she rejected it, she was saying, look, if it turns out that you cannot prove it was a false statement or a knowing false statement, then he hasn’t been convicted. It doesn’t mean the indictment itself is problematic.

Sara, let me go to you here. You’ve been covering this story really since the beginning of it all. You’re hearing arguments being made that suggest that all of this was just political speech. It’s what’s done, Sara, and everyone else is naive if you think this is not how the game is played.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. I mean, I think you hear Steve Sadow, Trump’s attorney there, saying, look, these are tweets. These are phone calls. And, you know, even if he is providing false statements, even if he’s making false statements, that the way to handle this is to rebut them with truthful statements, not to prosecute the former president for the way he made these false statements.

And I do think it was telling that we saw, you know, Donald Wakeford, one of the prosecutors on the D.A.’s team, come up and say, this is not just about Donald Trump showing up, going in front of America and lying. That’s not what this is. This is about making sworn statements that you knew were false in documents and submitting those to the government. This is about using those lies in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, in furtherance of a scheme that violates George’s RICO law.

And again, we saw another one of the prosecutors stand up and point out that not every one of these things that he did has to be a crime in and of itself. That’s the way George’s law works. The phone call itself doesn’t have to be a crime. The Tweet itself doesn’t have to be a crime. It’s about how this all builds together to the broader racketeering conspiracy here.

And so, again, I do think that it is an uphill battle. We’ll see, though.


COATES: Well, we’ll see. I mean, certainly, it’s uphill when you have them only talking in legal terms. I mean, at — I mean, quarter words are fine. Why the $10 stuff, lawyers take note.

Anyways, Kristen, when you’re looking at this politically, he’s saying, and that’s been his party line the entire time, this is just me talking and my campaigning. What am I to do? I’m a campaigning person, I believe the laws have been violated by not saying that I won, so I’m doing.

KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And he continues to do that today. I mean, this wasn’t just in 2020, this is his entire line of argument all the time. But I will say this, you know, I’m talking to Donald Trump s team, this isn’t an argument that they’re banking on. They are not expecting this 100 percent to work.

This is, as they continue to remind me, that they are paying lawyers in all of these cases a lot of money, and they should be exhausting every single avenue and spending as much time as they possibly can to draw this out. And if they aren’t, then they aren’t doing their job. And remember, the main tactic here, as we have said over and over again, is to delay this beyond the November election. And that is the point of why they continue to file separate motions, all of these pre- trial hearings.

You’re not going to see it stop, because what they’re trying to do is push — you know, we heard Fani Willis saying she still wants that August court date, they were trying push beyond November.

COATES: And, Paula, real quick, what do you think in terms of the main takeaways here? You’ve been covering this from all angles and their whole tactic is delay, in this case, dismiss.

PAUL REID, CNN CHIEF LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: And there’s a long game here, right? Because the delay game could run out at some point. So, I am told they are playing the long-game, even if this won’t win, of course they’re going to file every actionable item on behalf of their client, as they should.

They also have to files some of these things so they don’t wave them on appeal. And their strategy for appeal is they hope that over the course of — if there is a trial, of the trial in this entire case, there’ll be enough mistakes that add up that they can perhaps get this tossed sort of death by a thousand cuts. So, they are playing the long game.

COATES: Really quick. Paula, tell me this. Who is Shafer? Remind the audience because this is — his attorney getting ready to talk. We’re about to actually go to the hearing. Quick answer about who he is.

REID: He’s one of the alleged fake electors.

COATES: Let’s hear him.

CRAIG GILLEN, ATTORNEY FOR EX-GA REPUBLICAN PARTY CHAIRMAN DAVID SHAFER: — as — after it was filed, it talks about how other case law in Georgia, when it talks, about first of all 16-10-23, doesn’t define public officer. So, we start from that, so we’ve got that out there, does not defining the public officer.

Now — but the still pleading does say that the issue of what — who is and is not a public officer is addressed in other contexts in Georgia law, usually in the “merit proceedings” where somebody is trying to find out the legitimacy of somebody having or holding a particular office.

And in that context, there are cases citing in this still pleading that address this very matter. They cite Brown v. Scott and — as a case in which the Brown v. Scott case, you know, whether or not an individual has designation or title given to him by law or exercises functions concerning the public assigned to them by the law, they cite Brown, that doesn’t — the inquiry doesn’t really end there.

The George Supreme Court has termed — noted the term public officer involves the idea of tenure, duration, fees, emoluments, and powers as well as that of duty. And so that’s a McDuffie v. Ferguson and that has to do really with grand jurors.

So, when someone says, well, it is a grand juror, a public author, and the court, you know, breaks down an analysis talking about that saying, not really because grand jurors may only meet for a few days. You know, they’re not essentially — you know, they’re not there for some sort of duration or tenure. They don’t take the same oath of office as prescribed for public officers. And they lack the element of tenure and duration, which must exist to qualify as a public officer.

Well —

MCAFEE: So, how would that apply, again, to like a purely fictional task force?

GILLEN: Well, I mean, let’s forget the purely fiction taskforce. It would — let us have it — that — the case law from our Supreme Court, how it applies to our case and how it applies to our cases, the presidential electors are not people who have a lengthy tenure duration, which it must exist. Frankly, their job is to meet for one day.

MCAFEE: I see your framework there, but if the framework is actually in this — whereas Metro Atlantic human trafficking, of course it doesn’t even exist.

GILLEN: Well, it doesn’t. But someone is pertaining to be an agent —


Michigan Lawyer ARRESTED For Submitting ‘Evidence Of Numerous Crimes’ Of Election Fraud Including Emails From Dominion Voting Systems

“They’re now arresting the people exposing election fraud instead of those committing it.”

Judge Jeffrey S. Matis from the Oakland County Circuit Court issued a warrant for Lambert Junttila concerning a case involving “evidence of numerous crimes” including internal emails from Dominion voting machines from 2020. The warrant was granted upon the prosecution’s request as Lambert Junttila repeatedly failed to comply with the legal requirement of providing fingerprints and a DNA sample. Stefanie Lambert, a Michigan attorney known for her claims of election fraud, surrendered herself on Thursday morning to address the bench warrant issued by Judge Matis two weeks prior.

Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100% STOLEN’ From Trump
Michigan Lawyer Stefanie Lambert

Accompanied by her attorney Dan Hartman, Lambert appeared before Judge Matis three days after being arrested by the U.S. Marshals Service in Washington, D.C., due to the bench warrant issued on March 7 when she failed to appear for a court hearing.

Lambert faces four felony charges in Michigan related to acquire and improperly access voting machines used in the 2020 presidential election. Magistrate Heide Herrmann released Lambert from custody in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, instructing her to surrender to Michigan authorities promptly, which Lambert did on Thursday morning.

Carlson: “It was 100 percent stolen. Are you joking?”

FRIDMAN: “Like, it was rigged to that large of a scale?”

Carlson: “Yeah. They completely changed the way people vote right before the election on the basis of Covid, which had nothing to do —“

FRIDMAN: “So, in that way it was rigged? Meaning, like —“

Carlson: “100 percent. And then —“

FRIDMAN: “— manipulated?”

Trump Launches Defamation Lawsuit Against ABC News and Stephanopoulos Over Rape Claim in Nancy Mace Interview

In a federal court filing lodged in Miami, former President Donald Trump has initiated legal action against ABC News and George Stephanopoulos, demanding unspecified damages for alleged defamation. The lawsuit stems from Stephanopoulos’ line of questioning directed at Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) during a widely-publicized interview on the network’s “This Week” program on March 10.

Nancy Mace Interview With George Stephanopoulos

The interview drew widespread attention as Mace, herself a survivor of sexual assault, accused Stephanopoulos of employing tactics intended to “shame” her for her endorsement of Trump, despite recent legal developments in lawsuits brought by E. Jean Carroll. These suits saw Trump held ‘liable for sexual abuse’ under New York law, though he was not found guilty of rape—a fact that Stephanopoulos repeatedly emphasized during the interview.

Trump has indeed pursued legal action against numerous media outlets in the past, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. Despite his persistent efforts, these lawsuits have generally been unsuccessful. Additionally, President Trump sought to countersue Carroll after she persisted in accusing him of rape on cable news following the jury’s verdict. However, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, appointed by former President Clinton, dismissed Trump’s counterclaims.

Film Director Michael Moore Blatant Warning To Democrats: ‘Trump Is ‘Smarter Than Us … We Don’t Want To Say This Out Loud, But I’m Going To Say It’

Michael Moore has issued a blatant warning about the 2024 election, saying that Donald Trump is “smarter than” Democrats. During the latest episode of his Rumble podcast on Sunday, the director called a victory for Trump in 2024’s general election a “legitimate fear.” Michael Moore dialed up the urgency of a possible Joe Biden defeat ― and he did it by offering backhanded praise to Biden’s criminally indicted GOP adversary, Donald Trump.

“We don’t want to say this out loud, but I’m going to say it, and the reason why we need to be concerned is that Trump is smarter than us,” the Oscar-winning documentarian said on the latest episode of his “Rumble” podcast, which was released Sunday. “I’ll just let that sink in for a second. I know, I know, you’re calling the people to come to find me — the guys in the white uniforms with the big net — and take me away. Are you crazy? What do you mean he’s smarter than us?”

Michael Moore Rumble Podcast

Moore characterized the Trump as someone who has “been able to pull s*** off and get away with it” throughout his life, remarking, “It is an impressive track record.”

“I’m talking about the way throughout his entire life he’s been able to pull shit off and get away with it,” the “Bowling for Columbine” director said. “It is an amazing record. You know the record. I’m not going to run through the whole litany of it … You know the whole list, and he’s gotten away with it. You must marvel at how somebody that stupid is that smart when it comes to the performance of his evil and his ability to never have to pay for it.”

Moore, who famously predicted Trump’s victory in 2016, has also forecasted that Trump will be able to resolve his legal problems before the big day in November.

The filmmaker accused Trump of attempting to postpone his impending trials until after the November election. Trump faces a total of 91 criminal charges across four jurisdictions, with some related to the 2020 election.

Should Trump secure another term as president, a Supreme Court dominated by Republicans will most likely pardon his convictions.

“The only thing that can save us is ourselves,” he said. “We are going to have to mobilize.”

Charlie Kirk: ‘The Bloodbath Hoax Was Pushed By The Same Media’

The Bloodbath Hoax was pushed by the same media who brought you:

Russia Russia Russia!

Jussie Smollet “MAGA Country”

100% Safe and Effective

Hunter’s Laptop was Russian disinfo

COVID came from a wet market

2020 was the most secure US election

Very Fine People

The Border is secure

Boys can be girls

Jim Crow 2.0

Inflation is transitory

Modern Monetary Theory

Zelenskyy is Churchill

Defund the police for safer streets

Defenders of democracy work to remove Trump from democracy

America was founded in 1619

…and much more

The media are professional hoaxers. Your first impulse should be to assume they’re lying, deceiving, or gaslighting.

Charlie Kirk

VIDEO: Rapper Kodak Black Endorses Trump And 20-Year Presidency: ‘We Need Trump In Office Forever, Man. Just Like The Chinese and Russian’

Kodak Black Expresses Gratitude for Trump’s Pardon and Endorses 20-Year Presidency: “Trump the best thing for America”

Black, celebrated for his musical triumphs and philanthropic endeavors, remains deeply grateful to former President Donald Trump for extending him a pardon. In a recent statement, the 26-year-old artist, known as Bill K Kapri, openly expressed his appreciation for Donald Trump

“We need Donald Trump for like 20 years. Like how Russia does it. Four years isn’t enough time for a president,” Kodak Black emphasized, underlining his aspiration for an elongated presidential term, drawing parallels to governance structures in other nations.

Amidst Kodak Black’s legal tribulations, including a nearly four-year sentence for providing false information to purchase a firearm in 2019, his musical career soared. With three No. 1 hits, 24 top 10 hits, and a total of 44 songs to his name, Kodak Black solidified his status as a chart-topping artist.

Trump’s pardon offered a ray of hope during Kodak Black’s challenging times. Despite his incarceration, the rapper remained actively engaged in philanthropy, supporting various charitable causes, including educational initiatives and providing aid for COVID-19-affected businesses.

The White House commended Kodak Black’s altruistic endeavors, recognizing him as not only a prominent artist but also a leader within his community. White House officials highlighted his dedication to providing educational resources, aiding underprivileged communities, and making substantial financial contributions to charitable ventures.

“He has committed to supporting a variety of charitable efforts, such as providing educational resources to students and families of fallen law enforcement officers and the underprivileged,” stated White House officials, acknowledging Kodak Black’s impactful contributions.

In his unwavering endorsement of Trump’s presidency, Kodak Black reiterated his admiration for Trump’s leadership style and policies. “We need Trump in office forever, man. Just like how them Chinese and Russian and Korean motherf—ers have their president. Trump the best thing for America,” Kodak Black affirmed, reaffirming his steadfast support for Trump.

Following his release from prison, Kodak Black commemorated the event with a new song titled “Last Day In,” where he celebrated his freedom and acknowledged Trump’s influence. “Trump just freed me, but my favorite president is on the money,” Kodak Black rapped, signifying his enduring respect for Trump.

American Patriots Durable High Quality 3×5, 4×6, 5×8, 6x10ft Embroidered American Flag

Patriots Durable High Quality 3×5, 4×6, 5×8, 6x10ft Embroidered American Flag

Scott Presler’s Patriot’s Pledge: Mobilizing For Change In Response To Lara Trump’s Announcement Of RNC Collaboration For Legal Ballot Harvesting Division

Following Lara Trump’s announcement and subsequent trending on social media platform X, Scott Presler took to the same platform to address the attention he garnered, delivering a heartfelt tweet outlining his commitment to the Republican cause. In his impassioned message, Presler provided insight into his background, experiences, and unwavering dedication to political activism.

New RNC Chair Lara Trump

“Oh my gosh. Since I’m trending on X, please allow me to introduce myself: My name is Scott Presler,” he began, initiating a personal narrative that highlighted his journey and achievements. Presler emphasized his upbringing as an Eagle Scout and the son of a retired Navy Captain, underscoring his values of service and commitment instilled from an early age. Additionally, he proudly mentioned his academic accomplishments, graduating with honors from George Mason University.

Presler then delved into his diverse work experiences, ranging from humble beginnings as a dog walker and a grocery store employee to his pivotal roles in political campaigns. He recounted his entry into the political arena, starting with his involvement in Governor Greg Abbott’s campaign in Texas and later dedicating two years to support President Donald Trump’s candidacy, including efforts to defeat Hillary Clinton.

Scott Presler

The turning point in Presler’s activism came with President Trump’s attention to the city of Baltimore, Maryland. Motivated by the call to action, Presler mobilized 200 volunteers for a cleanup initiative, which gained national attention as they removed 12 tons of trash within 12 hours. This experience propelled him to embark on a mission of grassroots activism, organizing cleanups in disadvantaged communities across the country.

American Patriots Durable And High Quality 3×5, 4×6, 5×8, 6x10ft – 3D Stars- Sewn Stripes and Brass Grommets – USA Embroidered Flag

American Patriots Durable And High Quality 3×5, 4×6, 5×8, 6x10ft – 3D Stars- Sewn Stripes and Brass Grommets – USA Embroidered Flag

Driven by the desire to effect change at a broader level, Presler redirected his efforts towards voter registration, particularly in key swing states. He recounted successes in flipping counties and contributing to electoral victories, demonstrating his strategic approach to political engagement. Presler’s commitment culminated in the establishment of @EarlyVoteAction in January 2023, aimed at advancing Republican interests through comprehensive voting strategies.

Presler’s dedication to the cause was evident as he detailed his recent endeavors, including traveling to pivotal states, recruiting volunteers, and conducting voter registration drives in diverse settings. His decision to relocate to Pennsylvania underscored his determination to immerse himself fully in the upcoming electoral battle, emphasizing his unwavering resolve to support President Trump and secure a Republican-controlled Congress.

In closing, Presler reaffirmed his patriotism and determination, pledging to devote the next eight months to the mission of electing President Trump and shaping the political landscape of the nation. His impassioned message resonated with his followers, encapsulating the spirit of grassroots activism and the power of individual commitment in shaping the future of the country.

BREAKING: Fani Willis Permitted To Continue Trump ‘RICO’ Case Amidst Scandal If Nathan Wade Steps Down, Judge Rules

On Friday, a Georgia judge ruled that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should not be disqualified from prosecuting the racketeering case against President Donald Trump and several co-defendants — with one major condition:

Judge rules Fani Willis can stay on Georgia election interference case

In the ongoing legal saga involving Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, a significant ruling was handed down by a Georgia judge on Friday. Despite accusations of misusing state and federal funds and engaging in an “improper” relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, the judge determined that Willis should not be disqualified from prosecuting the racketeering case against former President Donald Trump and several co-defendants. However, there’s a major condition attached to this decision.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee took two weeks to deliberate after hearing testimony from Willis, Wade, and other relevant parties. In his decision, McAfee acknowledged the evidence presented by the defense, highlighting “a significant appearance of impropriety” surrounding the current structure of the prosecution team. Despite this, he offered Willis a choice: she could continue prosecuting the case if she dropped Wade, with whom she admitted being romantically involved, from her team.

“The District Attorney may choose to step aside, along with the whole of her office… Alternatively, [special attorney] Wade can withdraw, allowing the District Attorney, the Defendants, and the public to move forward without his presence or remuneration distracting from and potentially compromising the merits of this case,” wrote McAfee.

The allegations against Willis include accusations of a pre-2021 romantic involvement with Wade, before she appointed him as special prosecutor in the election interference case. It’s claimed that she financially benefited from his lucrative special prosecutor post, with Wade allegedly treating her to luxurious vacations. These allegations surfaced when Trump co-defendant Mike Roman filed a court motion, citing a conflict of interest and requesting Willis’s removal from the case.

Both Willis and Wade have admitted to their affair, but they maintained under oath that their relationship only became official in 2022, after they had initiated the case against Trump and 18 others. Despite their assertions, witnesses presented testimony during the hearings that contradicted their claims.

Fani Willis’ Possible Disqualification 🔥 Judge Gives a Deadline for Decision
Fani Wilis in contempt of congress

McAfee’s ruling was critical of Willis and Wade’s conduct, labeling it a “tremendous lapse in judgment” and noting “reasonable questions” about the truthfulness of their testimony regarding the timeline of their relationship. While the court didn’t find enough evidence to support an actual conflict of interest, McAfee acknowledged that “the appearance of impropriety remains.”

Trump’s lawyer, Steve Sadow, responded swiftly, expressing dissatisfaction with the ruling and asserting the importance of addressing prosecutorial misconduct. As the legal proceedings continue, more revelations may emerge, shedding light on the complexities and controversies surrounding this case.

shedding light on the complexities and controversies surrounding this case.

Dom Lucre: ‘White Liberal Celebrities Kept These Shirts’

Now that the PM of Haiti fled the country and cannibals are taking over, I wonder how many White Liberal celebrities kept these shirts they bought after Trump said the county was a shithole thanks to Hillary Clinton

Dom Lucre

BREAKING: Judge Dismisses Six Counts In ‘RICO’ Georgia Election-Interference Case, Marking Victory For Trump, As Decision Looms On Fani Willis Disqualification

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has dropped six counts from the election-interference indictment against former President Donald Trump and five co-defendants in Atlanta. However, the larger case remains unaffected

The ruling was made due to the state’s failure to provide specific enough allegations to support those charges. This decision impacts three of the 13 felony counts faced by Trump in the case. However, it does not affect the central charge of a racketeering conspiracy aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state. Several of the dismissed charges pertain to Trump’s co-defendants, such as Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Mark Meadows, rather than Trump himself.

READ: Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100% STOLEN’ From Trump

Tucker Carlson: The 2020 Election Was ‘100% STOLEN’ From Trump

The six charges under scrutiny involve allegations of soliciting elected officials to violate their oaths of office. Among them are two charges stemming from Trump’s controversial phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, on January 2, 2021, during which Trump urged him to “find” 11,780 votes.

Trump still faces 10 separate criminal charges in the case, which he has vehemently criticized as a witch hunt since being charged and arrested.

Meanwhile, the spotlight shifts to Fani Willis, the district attorney overseeing the case, whose future hangs in the balance amidst growing speculation and calls for her disqualification. Allegations have surfaced regarding her involvement in an affair with Nathan Wade, a top prosecutor in her office. The revelation of this affair has raised questions about potential conflicts of interest and impartiality in the handling of the case

Judge Scott McAfee has said Willis’s relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade “could result” in their disqualification if evidence shows an “actual conflict of interest or the appearance of one.”  

Arizona Judge Enforces Citizenship Verification For Voting Rights In U.S Elections

Charlie Kirk: ‘Bloodbath At The RNC Is Underway. 60+ Firings Just Today.’

Following the departure of former Chair Ronna McDaniel, over 60 individuals, including key personnel in political, data, and communications departments, have been let go. Some were instructed to vacate their positions immediately, while others were given until the month’s end, as per The Associated Press. Shortly after the installation of a new leadership team led by former President Trump, reports indicate that the Republican National Committee (RNC) is undergoing significant staff reductions.

The recent election of Michael Whatley and Lara Trump as the new chair and co-chair of the RNC respectively coincides with these staff cuts. Whatley, recognized for his allegiance to Trump, previously led the North Carolina GOP and served as the RNC’s general counsel. Sean Cairncross, the newly appointed chief operating officer of the committee, relayed the terminations to affected employees. He mentioned to the AP that Whatley is reevaluating the organization and its personnel to ensure alignment with his strategic vision for the November elections. Additionally, Cairncross informed Politico, the outlet that first reported the story, that certain staff members have been asked to “resign and reapply” for their positions within the team.

American Patriots Durable High Quality 3×5, 4×6, 5×8, 6x10ft Embroidered American Flag

Patriots Durable High Quality 3×5, 4×6, 5×8, 6x10ft Embroidered American Flag

These layoffs further solidify Trump’s influence within the committee, particularly as he emerges as the likely GOP nominee against President Biden in November, with his allies assuming key roles within the organization. Lara Trump has pledged to leverage RNC resources extensively to secure her father-in-law’s reelection, reaffirming this commitment during the GOP’s recent spring meeting.

A looming question revolves around whether the party will finance Trump’s legal expenses, given his significant legal challenges. Despite an attempt by one member to prevent the committee from funding Trump’s legal fees, this proposal was defeated due to insufficient support within the RNC. Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, clarified that the layoffs are aimed at streamlining operations as the former president’s team and the RNC merge into a unified entity.

“Bloodbath at the RNC is underway. 60+ firings just today.

This is excellent. The anti-Trump sleeper cells all have to go.

The RNC is getting ready to win.


Charlie Kirk
Remaking Of The Trump RNC

“🚨 BREAKING: A major shakeup is happening as we speak at the RNC with Donald Trump’s new leadership team cutting dozens of positions following Lara Trump’s ascension to co-chair of the RNC.


Charlie Kirk

While the Trump campaign and the RNC have collaborated previously, the recent firings signify an unprecedented level of integration between the two entities, as highlighted by the AP. The Hill has reached out to the RNC for further elucidation on the layoffs. In response, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) released a statement condemning the party for dismissing a significant portion of its staff so close to the election. Alex Floyd, the DNC’s rapid response director, remarked that firing nearly one-third of the staff in a rushed ideological purge less than eight months before a presidential election is not indicative of a healthy political party. Floyd added that weak fundraising figures and repeated electoral defeats also raise concerns. He concluded with a remark directed at donors, suggesting they reconsider their support to the RNC in light of these developments.

Trump 2024 Caps

Nancy Mace Says George Stephanopoulos ‘Tried To Bully’ Her During The Interview For Supporting Trump: ‘I Won’t Be Going Back On ABC Anytime Soon’

“Nancy Mace just ended George Stephanopoulos’ career, the never-Trump media has absolutely no class!”

Brigitte Gabriel

On Monday, Representative Nancy Mace declared her reluctance to return to ABC following a tense exchange with host George Stephanopoulos the day before. Speaking with NewsNation’s Leland Vittert on “On Balance,” Mace affirmed, “I won’t be going back on ABC anytime soon. I told him as I was walking out, ‘Good effing luck getting me back on.” She acknowledged her emotional response, confessing, “I cursed on my way out. I didn’t do it on air, but I was upset.”

The contentious dialogue unfolded during Sunday’s episode of “This Week” when Stephanopoulos questioned Mace’s endorsement of President Donald Trump despite ‘allegations’ against him. Mace, who herself survived sexual assault, rebuked Stephanopoulos for what she perceived as an attempt to shame her for her political stance. She emphasized that Trump had not faced criminal charges, and accused Stephanopoulos of perpetuating the shame she had endured as a rape victim.

Mace’s defense of Trump contrasts with her prior criticism, indicating a shift in her stance. While she had previously called for accountability for Trump’s actions, she now endorses him over fellow Republican Nikki Haley. Despite criticism from some quarters for her perceived inconsistency, Mace maintains that her endorsements reflect what she believes is best for the country.

In the wake of the January 6 Capitol riot, Representative Nancy Mace was vocal in her disapproval of Donald Trump, calling for a fresh start within her party. However, her position has evolved, and she now supports Trump while actively seeking his endorsement ahead of her forthcoming primary race in June.

Mace’s outspokenness on issues like abortion stems from her personal experience as a rape survivor. Her advocacy for exceptions in abortion legislation has drawn both support and backlash. In her exchange with Stephanopoulos, Mace lamented the difficulty of sharing her story in a hostile political environment, expressing concern that such questioning would deter other survivors from coming forward.

Throughout the interview, Mace remained steadfast in her support for Trump, despite Stephanopoulos’s probing. She reiterated her endorsement, emphasizing her belief in Trump’s suitability for the presidency.

The White House Now Claims Biden ‘Absolutely Did Not Apologize’ For Calling Laken Riley’s Killer An ‘illegal.’

The White House claims on Monday that President Joe Biden did not issue an apology during his interview on MSNBC, where he expressed regret for referring to the suspect in the murder of 22-year-old college student Laken Riley as an ‘illegal.’ Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton emphasized that there was no apology made during Biden’s conversation with Jonathan Capehart. Dalton denounced the politicization of Riley’s murder, stating, “The president absolutely did not apologize. There was no apology anywhere in that conversation.”

Dalton further highlighted Biden’s expression of grief and condolences to Riley’s family during his State of the Union address. She stated, “Biden was speaking passionately about knowing what it means to lose a child and extended his deep grief and condolences to Laken Riley’s family in front of the entire country, in the House chamber.” Dalton criticized those who sought to exploit Riley’s tragic murder for political gain, labeling such actions as “unconscionable.”

The remarks followed pressure from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene during the address for Biden to address Riley’s case. Prior to his arrest for murder, the suspect, Jose Ibarra, had been apprehended for illegally crossing into Texas in September 2022. Biden faced criticism, including from Democrats like Rep. Ayanna Pressley, for his use of the term ‘illegal.’

In a subsequent interview with Capehart, Biden expressed regret for using the term, stating that he should have said ‘undocumented’ instead. He stated, “And look, when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me, one of the things I talked about at the border was his, the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. And I talked about what I’m not going to do, what I won’t do, I’m not gonna treat any, any, any of these people with disrespect. Look, they built the country.”

The comments drew criticism from conservatives, including former President Donald Trump, who lambasted Biden during a rally in Georgia.

Trump Meets With Laken Riley’s Family Before Georgia Rally

Trump met with the family of Laken Riley, a nursing student who was murdered on the University of Georgia campus.

At his rally, Trump was accompanied by Riley’s parents, her sister, and friends, whom he met with before taking the stage. They received a warm welcome with a standing ovation, and the campaign distributed large signs featuring Riley’s photograph alongside the words “SAY HER NAME!” and “REMEMBER OUR ANGELS” on the back.

In his address, Trump conveyed his sympathy, stating, “We share your grief.”

During his extensive speech lasting nearly two hours, Trump blasted Biden’s approach to the border situation and his mispronunciation of Laken Riley’s name during his recent State of the Union address, where he referred to her as ‘Lincoln.

Benny Johnson: ‘I Bet This Man Will Be President One Day.’

Just met a really nice guy who told me we’re going to build the wall, drill for oil, end all wars, deliver world peace, arrest the criminals, destroy woke communism and Make America Great Again.

I bet this man will be President one day.

🇺🇸 🙌🏻

Benny Johnson

Trump Fires Back At Robert DeNiro’s Foul-Mouthed Rant, Which Characterized Him As A ‘Malignant Psychopathic Dictator’ Who Would Hunt Him Down Relentlessly: ‘Such A Stupid Sounding Guy’

Robert DeNiro Attacks Trump On HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher

‘Robert DeNiro has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such a stupid sounding guy, a low IQ individual!’

Donald Trump
Robert DeNiro Launches Profanity-Filled Tirade Against Trump

Robert DeNiro Launches Profanity-Filled Tirade Against Trump Once AGAIN: Sees ‘Nothing Redeemable’ In Him And Says He’d ‘NEVER’ Play ‘Sociopathic’ Trump In Movie Role

Robert De Niro sparks controversy once more as he unleashes a fresh tirade against Donald Trump during his guest appearance on Bill Maher’s talk show. With colorful language, De Niro labeled the President Trump as a ‘total monster,’ expressing his disdain for Trump’s character and actions.

Robert DeNiro Attacks Trump On HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher

‘Robert DeNiro has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such a stupid sounding guy, a low IQ individual!’

Donald Trump

“The bottom line is, it’s Biden versus Trump,” De Niro said. “We wanna live in a world that we wanna live in and enjoy living in, or a nightmare? Vote for Trump. You’ll get the nightmare. Vote for Biden, we’ll be back to normalcy.”

During the lively exchange on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, the veteran actor made it clear that he would never consider portraying Trump on screen, citing an absence of any redeeming qualities in the man.

“The guy is a total monster,” he said. “I don’t understand it. I guess they get behind the kind of logic, they wanna f**k with people, screw them because they’re unhappy with something. He’s such a mean, nasty, hateful person. I’d never play him as an actor because I can’t see any good in him. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing redeemable in him.”

Going further, De Niro suggested that some of Trump’s supporters were motivated not by political ideology but by a desire to sow chaos and disruption. He bluntly stated that Trump’s backers were simply ‘out to mess with people.’

De Niro’s longstanding criticism of Trump dates back years, becoming especially vocal in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. When Maher brought up recent polling data showing Trump’s lead, De Niro admitted to feeling uncertain about the reasons behind it, reflecting on the shock of Trump’s initial victory and expressing concerns about a potential repeat.

Recounting the aftermath of the 2016 election, De Niro shared a sentiment of disbelief that resonated with many. He then turned to a sobering warning about the potential consequences of another Trump term, cautioning against underestimating Trump’s intentions.

He warned that a second Trump administration would be “dangerous,” he added,

“There’ll be things that happen that none of us can imagine,” he said Friday. “That’s what happens in that kind of a dictatorship, which is what he says. Let’s believe and take him at his word.”

“So he’s a sociopathic, psychopathic, malignant narcissist,” he added. “He is a dangerous person.

De Niro didn’t reserve his criticism solely for Trump; he also expressed bewilderment at Trump supporters, questioning their motivations and characterizing Trump as a ‘dangerous’ figure.

In a notable departure from the usual celebrity-political discourse, De Niro’s outspokenness against Trump has been consistent. His memorable outburst at the 2018 Tony Awards, where he exclaimed “f**k Trump,” garnered widespread attention and applause, solidifying his stance against the former president.

At the Gotham Awards last year, De Niro revealed that his speech had been edited to remove criticisms of Trump, a move he found frustrating. Insisting on delivering the omitted remarks, De Niro highlighted Trump’s penchant for falsehoods and vindictiveness, citing examples such as his derogatory use of “Pocahontas.”

Despite recent polls indicating Trump’s lead over Biden in the 2024 presidential race, De Niro remains steadfast in his condemnation. With Trump emerging as the last major Republican candidate after Super Tuesday, the stage is set for another potentially contentious chapter in American politics.

Nikki Haley Drops Out Of Presidential Race Transferring GOP Back To Trump 2024

Nikki Haley’s departure from the 2024 Republican presidential race comes in the wake of a challenging Super Tuesday, during which she suffered defeat in fourteen states against Donald Trump, managing to clinch victory in just one.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is poised to suspend her presidential campaign following a series of losses on Super Tuesday, according to sources within her campaign who spoke to ABC News.

With Haley’s exit, President Donald Trump emerges as the last major Republican candidate standing, virtually securing the party’s nomination and setting the stage for a potential rematch with President Joe Biden in November.

Although Haley is not expected to immediately endorse Trump, she is scheduled to address the press at 10:00 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Haley, one of the earliest contenders to announce her bid for the 2024 presidency, is now the final candidate to withdraw after over a year of campaigning.

At her campaign launch in Charleston, South Carolina, Haley emphasized the need for fresh leadership, stating, “America won’t win the 21st century if we keep trusting politicians from the 20th century.”

Despite her extensive political background, including two terms as governor of South Carolina and serving as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, Haley initially faced an uphill battle in the race.

Initially avoiding direct confrontation with Trump, Haley later emerged as his primary challenger, surpassing former favorite Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Trump critic former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

While Haley secured victories in New Hampshire and Washington, D.C., ahead of Super Tuesday, she faced defeat in her home state of South Carolina, which she had previously touted as crucial to her campaign’s success.

As her campaign progressed, Haley sharpened her criticisms of Trump, expressing doubts about his commitment to the Constitution and warning of the consequences of his nomination for the Republican Party.

Seeking to differentiate herself from Trump’s vision for the party, Haley argued that his leadership would divert focus from core Republican principles such as fiscal discipline and national security.

Despite her efforts, Haley’s campaign ultimately faltered, leading to her decision to suspend her presidential bid.

“This is now becoming a party that’s pushing people out of our party, as opposed to the Republican Party I believe in where you bring more people in. So this primary has always been about what direction is the Republican party going and what direction is America going,” she said.

Nikki Haley Drops Out With Message For Trump

During the final weeks and months of her campaign, Haley cultivated a relatively diverse coalition of supporters, encompassing Republicans, moderates, and occasionally, Democrats, who, for various reasons, sought to distance themselves from Trump within the GOP.

While Haley initially committed to backing Trump as the Republican nominee even if he were convicted of a felony, her stance shifted as her campaign progressed.

In February, she contended that there was “no way that the American people are going to vote for a convicted criminal” for president, and shortly thereafter, hinted at the possibility of reneging on the RNC pledge she had signed to support the eventual Republican nominee — a requirement for participation in the party’s televised debates.

“I get to do what I want to do,” Haley asserted during an interview with Fox News, emphasizing that Trump never pledged to support her if she were to become the nominee.

“If he refused to sign the pledge, I don’t have to go forward, but I’ll make that decision on my own,” she added.

Despite drawing sizable crowds at her events, speculation arose that she might consider a third-party bid, a notion she consistently rebuffed.

“My purpose has never been to stop Trump at all costs. Like most Americans, I have a handful of serious concerns about the former president. But I have countless serious concerns about the current president,” she conveyed to reporters and supporters in a state-of-the-race address delivered days before South Carolina’s primary.

Although Haley’s campaign failed to gain significant electoral traction, her financial standing did not mirror that of a losing candidate.

She largely sidestepped the financial struggles typical of struggling campaigns, raising $11.5 million in January — her highest fundraising month on record — even after consecutive losses to Trump. In fact, she outpaced Trump’s fundraising efforts that month by $2.7 million, and in February, claimed to have amassed an additional $12 million across her three fundraising committees.

Haley also garnered sought-after endorsements from New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and Americans For Prosperity, the Super PAC supported by the Koch network. She secured substantial contributions from prominent Republican donors, including billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer, Citadel Chief Ken Griffin, and WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum. Additionally, she received $250,000 from Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman.

However, despite this support, Haley ultimately fell short against Trump, and following her decisive loss in South Carolina, Americans For Prosperity withdrew its backing.

Now, it appears that Trump is firmly in the driver’s seat, boasting substantial support from delegates and ardent MAGA loyalists. Trump himself expressed confidence, stating, “We have to let them know that a FREIGHT TRAIN is coming in November.”

Charles Barkley Issues A Threat To ‘Punch’ Any Black Trump Supporter Proudly Wearing A Tee Featuring Trump’s Mugshot

Gayle King found herself in a position of damage control on Saturday following a controversial statement from her co-host on “King Charles,” Charles Barkley. Barkley made a threat to physically harm Black individuals wearing shirts featuring former President Donald Trump’s mugshot.

During the broadcast, King aired a clip of Trump boasting about Black people wearing shirts adorned with his mugshot before turning to Barkley for his reaction. Barkley responded with a sigh, stating, “First of all, I’m just going to say this: If I see a Black person walking around with Trump’s mugshot, I’m going to punch them in the face.

“Charles. Charles, you really can’t say that ’cause, A. you don’t mean that,” interrupted King.

Barkley shot back, “Oh, I mean that sincerely.”

“And then you will be arrested for assault, and then what?” questioned King.

“I’m gonna bail myself out and go celebrate,” Barkley responded.

After the audience laughed, King pleaded, “Don’t encourage him.”

Barkley then said that if he were at the conference where Trump delivered his remarks, he would have walked out.

“That was an insult to all Black people,” he said. “To compare Black history, where we’ve been discriminated against, to his plight– Well, first of all, he’s a billionaire, and they are prosecuting him for stuff he did wrong.”

King noted, “It’s still in the court system, Charles; we have to wait.”

“Well, some of the stuff is true,” Barkley concluded. “They did storm the Capitol. They did say that the election was stolen.”

President Trump Delivers A Frank Message To Joe Biden: ‘Stop Weaponization’

‘Stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself! Don’t use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent, to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that.’

President Trump

Trump stressed the power of voters to influence elections swiftly, stating, “The voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. But a court shouldn’t be doing that. And the Supreme Court saw that very well.” He added, “And I really do believe that will be a unifying factor because while most states were thrilled to have me know, there were some that didn’t and they didn’t want that for political reasons.”

Highlighting his strong poll numbers, Trump asserted, “I am beating President Biden in almost every poll.”

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments on presidential immunity last week after Trump and his legal team appealed to the high court. These arguments are scheduled to commence on April 22, with a decision expected in mid to late June. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s election interference case remains on hold pending this ruling.

Trump expressed his views on presidential immunity, stressing its importance for effective governance. He stated, “If a president doesn’t have full immunity, you really don’t have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make, in many cases what would be the right decision, or it could be the wrong decision.” He emphasized that a president should not be prosecuted for decisions made in the interest of the country.

Addressing Biden directly, Trump urged him to cease the use of legal mechanisms to target political opponents. He said, “I will say that President Biden, number one, stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself. Don’t use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that.”

Trump expressed his frustration with the ongoing legal battles, describing them as a “rigged deal.” However, he reiterated his desire to win based on policies, stating, “I don’t want to win this way.” He continued, “Look, I want to win based on my policies. We’re going to cut taxes. We’re going to get interest rates down. You’re going to be able to buy homes again. I mean, you can’t buy a home today. The interest rates are so high. I want to win those supporters.”

Reflecting on the impact of high energy prices on global dynamics, Trump remarked on Putin’s wealth accumulation and its potential influence on conflicts like the war in Ukraine. He added, “Putin became very rich because at $100 a barrel, he’s got so much money to fight a war at $40 a barrel.” He emphasized his desire to prevent wars and stabilize global affairs if he were in office, stating, “I want to stop wars. I want to stop the war in Ukraine with Russia. I want to stop what’s happening in Israel would have never been attacked if I were president. Ukraine would have never, ever been attacked. If I was president, you wouldn’t have had inflation. Inflation was caused by high energy prices. I had low energy prices. I would have kept them there very easily. And it probably maybe caused the war with Ukraine because Putin became rich. All of a sudden it went up so much.”

He concluded by highlighting the importance of economic policies and foreign relations in shaping the trajectory of nations.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Victory – Trump REMAINS On Colorado Ballot Despite Democrat’s Push To Oust From 2024 Presidential Race Over January 6

In a landmark legal victory for former President Donald Trump, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Monday that he can remain on the election ballot in Colorado, despite efforts by a group of states to exclude him from the 2024 presidential race following the events of January 6.

Supreme court rules Trump can stay on Colorado ballot. The court ruled unanimously in reversing the state’s decision to keep Donald Trump off the ballot over Jan. 6, 

“I want to start by thanking the Supreme Court for its unanimous decision today. It was a very important decision, were very well crafted, and I think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together, which our country needs,” Trump said. “And they worked long, they worked hard, and frankly, they worked very quickly on something that will be spoken about 100 years from now and 200 years from now. Extremely important.”


This decision, coming just 24 hours before 15 states participate in Super Tuesday voting, dealt a significant blow to the states’ attempts to remove Trump from the ballot. Reacting immediately to the ruling, Trump took to his Truth Social network, declaring it a “BIG WIN FOR AMERICA!!!” He also characterized the decision as “unifying” and “inspirational.”

“I think it’s a very big day for America. I think it’s a very big day for liberty.”


The 9-0 decision by the conservative-majority court ensures that Trump’s name will appear on voting slips in the Colorado Republican primary, effectively thwarting similar efforts in other states such as Illinois and Maine. These efforts aimed to disqualify Trump from running in the 2024 general election based on claims that his conduct on January 6 constituted “insurrection.”

Supreme Court Justices hear arguments from Trump attorney Jonathan Mitchell.

With this legal hurdle cleared, Trump, aged 77, advances closer to a potential rematch with President Joe Biden in the November general election. The Supreme Court’s decision overturned a previous ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, which had disqualified Trump from the state ballot under the so-called “insurrection clause” of the 14th Amendment.

This clause, originating from the Civil War era, prohibits individuals who have “engaged in insurrection” from holding federal office. However, the U.S. Supreme Court emphasized that only Congress has the authority to decide a candidate’s eligibility under this provision.

In a statement, the Colorado Republican Party praised the decision, denouncing the attempt to remove Trump from the ballot as “ridiculous election interference” and affirming the right of every American to vote for their preferred candidate.

While the Supreme Court was united in allowing Trump’s presence on the Colorado ballot, there was division among the justices regarding the broader implications of the decision. A narrow 5-4 majority asserted that no state could remove a federal candidate from any ballot, while four justices advocated for a more limited opinion.

Trump’s dominance in the Republican primaries, with only Nikki Haley winning a single contest in Washington D.C., underscores the significance of this legal victory as he seeks to secure his position as the frontrunner.

The lawsuit in Colorado, filed by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), accused Trump of insurrection due to his role in the January 6th riots on Capitol Hill. However, the Supreme Court’s decision effectively quashes this legal effort and ends a broader campaign by leftist activists to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

Despite persistent efforts by Colorado’s Secretary of State Jena Griswold to bar Trump from the ballot, the Supreme Court’s skepticism during oral arguments in February foreshadowed this decisive ruling. With three justices—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—nominated by Trump himself, the court’s decision reaffirms Trump’s standing in the 2024 presidential race.

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In response to the opinion, Colorado’s Secretary of State Jena Griswold released a statement on Monday, affirming, “The United States Supreme Court has determined that states lack the authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment for federal candidates.”

Griswold clarified, “In light of this decision, Donald Trump qualifies as an eligible candidate on Colorado’s 2024 Presidential Primary ballot.”

Meanwhile, Trump shared his reaction to the ruling on Truth Social, declaring, “BIG WIN FOR AMERICA!!!”

Trump Wins ‘BIG NUMBERS’ In Missouri, Idaho, And Michigan Over Weekend

I purposely stayed away from the D.C. Vote because it is the “Swamp,” with very few delegates, and no upside. Birdbrain spent all of her time, money and effort there. Over the weekend we won Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan – BIG NUMBERS – Complete destruction of a very weak opponent.


Trump Unleashes On Governor Gavin Newsom, Branding Him ‘NewSCUM’ For Allowing Influx Of Illegals Into California

President Donald Trump debuted a new nickname on Thursday – ‘Newscum’ – directed at California’s Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom. Trump made this remark during his address in Eagle Pass, Texas, coinciding with President Joe Biden’s visit to the Texas border, as immigration emerges as a pivotal issue for the 2024 campaign.

Trump blasted Newsom for permitting illegal immigrants to flood over the southern border by enticing them with promises of free services like education and healthcare. “You look at what this governor, NewSCUM, from California. Isn’t that his name, Newscum? What he’s done in California is unbelievable,” Trump stated. “People are pouring in.”

The former president derided the notion of migrants expecting free medical assistance, contrasting it with the alleged neglect of American soldiers and veterans. “And our soldiers, our vets, aren’t being taken care of,” Trump asserted. He is known renowned for assigning nicknames to his political adversaries, a practice that has become a trademark of his communication style.

You look at what this governor, Newscum, from California. Isn’t that his name, Newscum? What he’s done in California is unbelievable

Donald Trump

During his speech in Eagle Pass, Trump revealed his previous use of ‘crooked’ to describe Hillary Clinton, which he has now transferred to Biden. “I took the name away from Hillary because she’s not longer relevant, I guess, she was terrible, but what he’s doing is just unbelievable,” Trump remarked. “I call him ‘Crooked Joe’ because he’s crooked, he’s a terrible president, he’s the worst president our country’s ever had, probably the most incompetent president we’ve ever had.”

I took the name away from Hillary because she’s not longer relevant, I guess, she was terrible, but what he’s doing is just unbelievable. I call him ‘Crooked Joe’ because he’s crooked, he’s a terrible president, he’s the worst president our country’s ever had, probably the most incompetent president we’ve ever had.

Donald Trump

Trump also assigned nicknames to his 2024 rivals, such as Nikki Haley, whom he calls ‘bird brain,’ and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, whom he nicknamed ‘DeSanctimonious’ and ‘DeSanctus.’ He retired the former nickname once DeSantis endorsed his 2024 presidential bid.

During his campaign, Trump often criticized former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, mispronouncing his name ‘Ada.’ Hutchinson was one of three anti-Trump candidates in the GOP primary and withdrew after the Iowa caucuses.

Another rival, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, was labeled ‘Sloppy’ by Trump, who also made remarks about Christie’s appearance.

Throughout the 2020 race, Trump frequently referred to Biden as ‘Sleepy Joe,’ mocking the Biden’s age, which is now 81 years old, and demands Biden ‘must take a cognitive test’

Crooked Joe Biden must take a Cognitive Test. Maybe that way we would be able to find out why he makes such terrible decisions

Donald Trump

“I took two of them, and ACED them both (no mistakes!). All Presidents, or people wanting to become President, should mandatorily take this test!”

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MSNBC: ‘Fani Willis Lied To The Court, It’s Game Over For Her’

JUST IN: MSNBC admits defeat, says Fani Willis will be disqualified because she allegedly “lied to the court.”

“This is epic, this is monumental… Fani Willis lied to the court, it’s game over for her. She will be disqualified.”

MSNBC was reacting to statements from Willis’ former friend Robin Yeartie who said she has no doubt Willis and prosecutor Nathan Wade had a “romantic” relationship in 2019 & on.

This suggests Willis lied to the court when she claimed there was no romantic relationship in 2021 between the two.

“You have no doubt that their romantic relationship was in effect from 2019 until the last time you spoke with her?” attorney Ashleigh Merchant asked.

“No doubt,” Yeartie replied.