Stephen A. Smith Blasts Democrats As ‘Cowards’ In Lawfare Battles Against Trump: ‘Millions Of People Can See The Extent To Which The Other Side Is Willing To Go Just To Keep Him Out Of Office..’

ESPN’s renowned sports media personality, Stephen A. Smith, didn’t mince words when addressing Democrats’ fervor for prosecuting Donald Trump. In his scathing remarks, Smith asserted that Democrats were merely echoing Trump’s claim that the trials were nothing more than political theatrics.

Smith’s critique comes at a pivotal moment as Trump’s hush money trial commences jury selection, coinciding with his active 2024 presidential campaign. With Trump facing a staggering 88 felony charges spread across four indictments, Smith contends that Democrats should concentrate their efforts on defeating Trump on the campaign trail rather than in court.

Addressing his liberal counterparts, Smith articulated, “To my liberal friends out there, all you’re doing is showing that you’re scared you can’t beat him on the issues and the merits,” Smith said. “That’s why he keeps saying it’s a political campaign against me. That’s why he keeps saying they can’t beat me at the election, at the polls — this is the only way they can do it.” He emphasized Trump’s repeated claim that the legal battles are a strategic move to derail his political ambitions. Smith emphasized that voters are becoming more aware of the extent to which Democrats are willing to go to prevent Trump from returning to the White House, expressing concern over the resulting lack of national unity

“And they’re going to say, ‘Hey, you trumped us up against him again,’ and we’ll have no peace when all you gotta do is figure out a way to beat him on the issues,” Smith said. “But you haven’t been able to do it.”

Smith’s critique echoes a sentiment shared by millions: the need to redirect focus from legal maneuvering to substantive policy debates, where the true battle for the nation’s future lies.

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