ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith Calls Out Democrats, Again Over Trump Hush Money Trial: ‘I’m Utterly DISGUSTED With What I’m Seeing. They’ve Clearly POLITICIZED This’

In recent remarks, Stephen A. Smith didn’t hold back his criticism of the ongoing hush money trial involving former President Trump, expressing his desire to witness Trump’s defeat through lawful means. This trial marks a historic moment as Trump becomes the first former U.S. president to stand trial in a criminal case, with proceedings commencing in Manhattan this week.

At the heart of the case lies allegations that Trump unlawfully manipulated business records while reimbursing his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, for payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels to conceal an alleged affair prior to the 2016 presidential election. Smith contended that the Democrats’ insistence on commencing Trump’s trial before the election, despite his efforts to postpone it, underscores their fears regarding Biden’s ability to beat Trump in the polls.

“That appears to be their strategy, but I’m going to tell you, it’s not working. It’s not working at all,” Smith told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Thursday. “And to be quite honest, I don’t mind the fact that it’s not working because I might not be a supporter of Donald Trump, but I want him to lose the right way.”

“Primarily I have voted Democrat throughout my life, but I’m utterly disgusted with what I’m seeing…They’ve clearly politicized this thing with Donald Trump because they can’t come up with a strategy to offset the momentum he’s clearly gained.”

Stephen A. Smith

“I want him to lose because you have better ideas and you make your case to the American people better than he does. That’s why I want him to lose,” he continued, citing President Biden. “I don’t want him to lose the way they’re trying to make him lose.”

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SHOCKING! Trump Trial FIX IS IN! Dismissed Juror Admits Outrageous POLITICAL BIAS!

Viva Frei discusses the ongoing criminal persecution of President Donald Trump in New York.

“Donald Trump is going to get a jury of his peers in New York if his peers consist of MSM consuming brain dead morons who want him lynched”

Viva Frei
Trump Trial: The FIX IS IN

Frei criticizes the judicial process, highlighting perceived biases and conflicts of interest among the judge, jury, and prosecutors. He expresses skepticism about Trump receiving a fair trial due to what they view as a tainted jury pool consisting of individuals with strong anti-Trump sentiments.

Donald Trump is now the first President in American history to be criminally prosecuted in the wonderful corrupt state of New York

Viva frei

Frei cites an interview with a dismissed juror who openly expressed negative opinions about Trump, suggesting that such biases undermine the fairness of the trial.

Additionally, the he criticizes Trump’s treatment by the media and accuses the judicial system in New York of being corrupt and politically motivated. Overall, Viva Frei condemns a miscarriage of justice and calls for scrutiny of the legal proceedings.

“The most important part is the undeniable political bias of any jury pool in New York. Thank you for playing and assisting in exposing the fact that Trump will never get a fair trial in New York. Regarding Kyle D Cheney, it’s unclear if he has any relation to Liz Cheney, the bipartisan member of the January 6 Kangaroo Court committee that sought to get Trump at all costs.”

Viva Frei

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They Tried So Hard To Make Him Look CORRUPT

“They tried so hard to make him look corrupt, but all they have done was show the world just how corrupt and dirty they are”


In the labyrinthine world of politics, where power optics often overshadow principles, accusations serve as currency. Allegations of corruption, dishonesty, and moral depravity are wielded with precision, aimed at tarnishing adversaries and bolstering one’s own standing. However, amidst this cacophony of mudslinging, there exists a profound irony – the accusers often end up revealing more about themselves than their intended targets. At the heart of this paradox lies a simple yet profound quote:

The essence of political warfare, where the lines between truth and deception blur and the pursuit of power often TRUMPS ethical considerations. Let us dissect this quote and unravel the layers of meaning it holds within the context of contemporary politics.

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The relentless determination, a concerted effort to tarnish the reputation of an individual or group. Behind the façade of political rhetoric lies a calculated campaign fueled by ambition, ideology, or personal vendettas. The intensity of the endeavor underscores the stakes involved – the quest for dominance in the political arena.

The accusation of corruption is a potent weapon in the arsenal of political warfare. It carries connotations of moral turpitude, abuse of power, and betrayal of public trust. Accusers seek to tarnish the integrity of their target, casting doubt on their suitability for office or influence. Yet, in leveling such accusations, they unwittingly expose their own moral ambiguity.

“But all they have done was show the world just how corrupt and dirty they are.” – here lies the crux of the paradox. The very act of accusing others of corruption illuminates the accusers’ own moral vulnerability. By projecting their shortcomings onto their adversaries, they lay bare their hypocrisy for all to see. The repetition of “corrupt” underscores the depth of the accusation, while the inclusion of “dirty” adds a layer of moral reprehensibility.

In the arena of politics, where perception is often reality, accusations can shape public opinion and influence electoral outcomes. However, the irony lies in the unintended consequences of such attacks. Instead of diminishing their targets, accusers inadvertently shine a spotlight on their own shortcomings. The more vehemently they accuse, the more their own moral bankruptcy is exposed.

In the pursuit of power, it is easy to succumb to the temptation of smear campaigns and character assassination. Yet, as history has shown time and again, such tactics ultimately erode trust in the political process and undermine the very foundations of our freedom.

President Trump Delivers A Frank Message To Joe Biden: ‘Stop Weaponization’

‘Stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself! Don’t use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent, to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that.’

President Trump

Trump stressed the power of voters to influence elections swiftly, stating, “The voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. But a court shouldn’t be doing that. And the Supreme Court saw that very well.” He added, “And I really do believe that will be a unifying factor because while most states were thrilled to have me know, there were some that didn’t and they didn’t want that for political reasons.”

Highlighting his strong poll numbers, Trump asserted, “I am beating President Biden in almost every poll.”

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments on presidential immunity last week after Trump and his legal team appealed to the high court. These arguments are scheduled to commence on April 22, with a decision expected in mid to late June. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s election interference case remains on hold pending this ruling.

Trump expressed his views on presidential immunity, stressing its importance for effective governance. He stated, “If a president doesn’t have full immunity, you really don’t have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make, in many cases what would be the right decision, or it could be the wrong decision.” He emphasized that a president should not be prosecuted for decisions made in the interest of the country.

Addressing Biden directly, Trump urged him to cease the use of legal mechanisms to target political opponents. He said, “I will say that President Biden, number one, stop weaponization. Fight your fight yourself. Don’t use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that.”

Trump expressed his frustration with the ongoing legal battles, describing them as a “rigged deal.” However, he reiterated his desire to win based on policies, stating, “I don’t want to win this way.” He continued, “Look, I want to win based on my policies. We’re going to cut taxes. We’re going to get interest rates down. You’re going to be able to buy homes again. I mean, you can’t buy a home today. The interest rates are so high. I want to win those supporters.”

Reflecting on the impact of high energy prices on global dynamics, Trump remarked on Putin’s wealth accumulation and its potential influence on conflicts like the war in Ukraine. He added, “Putin became very rich because at $100 a barrel, he’s got so much money to fight a war at $40 a barrel.” He emphasized his desire to prevent wars and stabilize global affairs if he were in office, stating, “I want to stop wars. I want to stop the war in Ukraine with Russia. I want to stop what’s happening in Israel would have never been attacked if I were president. Ukraine would have never, ever been attacked. If I was president, you wouldn’t have had inflation. Inflation was caused by high energy prices. I had low energy prices. I would have kept them there very easily. And it probably maybe caused the war with Ukraine because Putin became rich. All of a sudden it went up so much.”

He concluded by highlighting the importance of economic policies and foreign relations in shaping the trajectory of nations.

Charlie Kirk: ‘I Am Rooting For A Mass Exodus Of Investor Capital And Businesses From New York City’

What happened to Trump in NYC is the stuff of the Soviet show trials: Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. If the government doesn’t like your politics, they can concoct some excuse to steal your stuff and call it “justice.”

But this behavior always has consequences. There’s a reason companies won’t invest in Venezuela or Cuba: When the rule of law is arbitrary and politicized and property rights are weak, doing business becomes unsafe.

I am rooting for a mass exodus of investor capital and businesses from New York City. But there’s no reason to stop there. For as long as New York insists on being a judicial rogue state, red states should stop acknowledging the rulings of its courts.

Democrats have shredded our Constitution and our legal norms just to destroy Donald Trump. But they’d do well to remember that we can hit back. Ship every illegal into New York, and ship every dollar out.

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘The Return Of Donald J Trump’

There Are Only Two Things That Can Stop the Re-election of Donald Trump

The Biden news cycle is disastrous—and unending: a perfect storm of his failures abroad, disaster at the border, and reasons why sky-high prices nullify the Bidenomics hype.

The Return Of Donald J Trump | Victor Davis Hanson

The bad news is interspersed with fallout from the Special Counsel’s damning report. Panicked Democrat grandees worry not over whether, but how, to remove Biden.

Then there are, of course, Biden’s daily flubs, confusions, spaciness, and creepy outbursts that grow at a geometric rate.

So there are only two things that can likely stop the reelection of Donald Trump.

One is the obviously coordinated effort of four prosecutors—Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis to rush to judgement and keep Trump in a courtroom all spring and summer, convict him, and put him in jail before the November election.

But that gambit is starting to unravel.

Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis will be taken off the case, if not disbarred or indicted herself. With her demise, her inflated indictment will likely not be taken up by surrogate partisans.

Jack Smith’s federal suit had been damaged by his obsessions with accelerating the trial for patently political purposes. Now there is a growing asymmetry in the two special counsels’ antithetical applications of the same law.

Joe Biden’s got a pass for taking out classified documents for a longer time, knowingly not reporting it, and putting them in less secure places than Mar-a-Lago, without an option to declassify them, as accorded to a president.

Letitia James’s case has received the most legal rebuke, given no other person has ever been so charged in New York for supposedly overstating real estate assets where there no injured party.

In Trump’s case no bank came forward to complain about the collateral Trump put up to secure loans—given he paid the loans back, in timely fashion and with profitable interests to the banks.

Alvin Bragg dragged up a 2005 tryst and a 2016 nondisclosure agreement to claim a campaign finance violation, in a fashion unimaginable for any candidate other than Trump.

All the prosecutors are either registered Democrats or liberals or both. There are clear ethics violations that range from prosecutors running for office on promises to get Trump, to coordinating their suits with the White House counsel or the January 6th committee.

So Trump may well find a way to be able to beat these patently weaponized indictments.

The other only way Trump might lose is—Trump himself.

He is being handed a rare gift with the Biden mental meltdown that will lead to even more damaging news cycles.

The Democratic donor class and political elite are desperate to find some bizarre way to dump Biden and appoint a replacement either before, during, or after the convention.

So all Trump must do is three simple things:

1) Enjoy the Biden doom loop and do not interrupt it.

2) Do not say something weird or crazy enough to feed the left-wing media machine that is desperately searching for a way to stop the news of the Biden hemorrhaging.

3) Do not appear unpalatable or toxic to independents and moderates whose support could give Trump an extra 3-5 percent margin—and with it some insurance over the inevitable Democratic “edge” in non-Election-Day, and thus less verifiable, voting.

Instead, in a 24-hour cycle Trump violated all three cannons.

One, in lose/lose fashion he asked rhetorically where was Hayley’s husband (an attempt to fuel rumors of adultery surrounding her years in South Carolina governance?)

That only set him up for her answer: patriotically serving his country abroad as a soldier.

Next, he trolled his critics by claiming that he had once told a NATO ally that if any still persisted in refusing to meet its military spending obligations, and still expected the U.S. to defend them, then he would tell the Russians to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any financially wayward NATO nation.

Trump likely was trying to boast in art-of-the-deal, hard-ball fashion how he got NATO countries to up their defense spending, or said it in trolling fashion to irk his perennial NATO/Putin critics.

But no matter: the media went crazy and for a day the country forgot Biden’s news noose.

Such trolling disrupted the Biden free fall. It gave the media another shot at their hysterical mongering of “how dare Trump say that”.

Sure, Hayley is accusing Trump of being near senile, crazy, and dangerous, but he has to get even not mad—by ignoring her since she is going nowhere in the primaries.

Trump thinks his prior performance-art, rhetorical threats to NATO forced many of them to act in their self-interest and spend more on defense. And that may be true. But postfacto bragging of the threats he used only fuels the media’s old saw that Trump will destroy NATO and is Putin’s puppet.

Trump is sending a life-raft to a drowning Biden, while alienating millions of disenchanted and frightened Biden voters, especially independents, RINOS, and old Blue-Dog Democrats who are all considering a Trump vote. Again, he may need them.

Trump so far is doing his best to counter the lawfare of his enemies.

But only he can stop himself from gifting Biden and hurting himself—as he interrupts