Dr. Michael Nehls Says The Covid Vaccine Wasn’t About Money But ‘Conquering The Human Mind’

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: The Indoctrinated Brain How the Government Uses Fear-Mongering to Alter Your Brain

Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Dr. Michael Nehls says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.

The CDC released 148-page study on Myocarditis linked to the Vaccine and EVERY WORD is redacted

The CDC released 148-page study on Myocarditis linked to the Vaccine

“That page is not blank because we messed up. That’s on purpose.”

Dr. McCullough described this move by the CDC as “gross malfeasance.”

His conclusion: “This manuscript almost certainly shows serious myocarditis as a result of the vaccines.”

“The CDC, because they’re still pushing the vaccines, they don’t wanna show this to Americans. So now the CDC is intentionally deceiving the public on an emerging public health crisis. That is, myocarditis after the vaccines.”

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